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^[[encircled 6]]

P-s and the boy began to race.  Their horse were both very fast, and they were racing neck in neck, the same.  When they slowed down, they still kept abreast each other.  Two afternoons they had a race.  The third afternoon the boy told P-s to ride on his horse, and tomorrow they would ride  her horse.  She agreed.  P-s got on the horse with the boy, and he told her to be careful so she would not fall off.  His horse ran very fast and in a few hours they reached the house of Putli-labaijawa.

When they reached home, he told his mother to go to the house of the sultan and tell him that Putli-samin was a his house.

The mother went to the sultan's house and told him that P-s was at the boy's home.

The sulta said:  I will transer my title to him.  He will be sultan, and I will be his follower.

The trusted servant said:  Do not  transfer your title so easily.  If the boy can get the king's ring from the stomach of the big lapu-lapu, then you can give him your title.

The mother went home and cried, and the som asked her:  Why are you crying?

The mother said:  I am crying because you have to get the king's ring from inside the stomach of the lapu- lapu.

P-l and P-s were very beautiful.  When P-s took the handkerchief from her hair, the dogs barked and the roosters crowed because of her powerful magic.  Ligtning also flashed.

P-s said to the little boy:  Take my handkerc ief and go to the beach.  Wave my handkerchief three times to the sea.

The boy followed her instructions, and soon a big lapu-lapu appeared in the sea.  When the lapu-lapu saw the boy he said:  Why are you worried and why are you calling me?

The boya said:  I have been sent to get the ring from your insides.

The lapu-lapu said:  Yes the ring is there.  Come inside and look for it.

The boy went inside and looked around for the ring.  He found it.  The lapu-lapu was so big that when he stood up the boy's head did not touch the top.

When the boy came out and went to shore, he saw a person afflicted with leprosy in a large trunk.  He took the person home with him and placed him outside the fence around their house.

When the boy arrived[[strikethrough]] , [[/strikethrough]] home, he told his mother to go to the house of the sultan and tell him that the ring is at his house.

When the mother arrived at the sultan's palace, he asked her her business:  

She said:  I have brought the ring you asked my son to get from the stomach of the lapu-lapu.