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The sultan said: I will give my title to the boy since he has retrieved my ring from the stomach of the lapu-lapu.

The trusted servant of the Sultan said: Don't give away your title so easily. Have the eight ladies, cut the boy into several pieces in front of you. Then you can transfer your title to him.

The mother went home. She said the sultan wanted to transfer the title to her son but his trusted servant did not approve, unless you are cut into several pieces in [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] front of the king by the eight ladies.

P-s and P-l talked to the other six ladies: What do you think we should do about this boy who will be killed in front of the sultan? 

P-l told the six ladies to place a sack of rice into water. After it was in the water, they pounded it into flour. Then P-l took the flour, mixed it with water, and moulded it into the shape of a human being, it looked exactly like the little boy.

On the day he was to be cut into pieces, the little boy was hidden, and the rice flour statue was taken into the house [[strikethrough]] o [[/strikethrough]] of the sultan. When the eight ladies went to the house of the sultan, the sultan's trusted servant greeted them and escorted them into the house.