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and dropped it into the pitcher.  The servant took the pitcher home, and gave it to P-s.  P-s saw the ring, and asked the servant if she had met someone near the water.  The servant said:Yes, there were two persons.  They have only enough clothes to cover their penises, and they look like animals.

P.s told the servant:  Take clothing to the two men.

The servant took a trunk of clothing to the men.  The men took a bath in the lake and put on their magical amulets.  They then shouted, and their voices were so loud it seemed that an earthquake had hit the place of p-s.  They then put on the clothes from the trunk, and went to the palce of the father of p-s.  P. s. ran to the sultan and embraced him.

P.s said to her father:  While I was gone from this place those several years, I met this man and married him.  He is the man I love.  We have one daughter.

The father of ps said:  This is a difficult matter.  You were supposed to be wed this month to your former lover.  What shall I do now?  We must have a duel between the two men.  If your former lover wins, you shall wed him; if your husband wins, you may go on as his wife.

The name of the lover of p-s was Kapanasanggagajuna.  When he heard that p-s had married, he came immediately to the house of her father.  Outside he yelled to the young sultan, and told him to come outside if he wanted to challenge him.

The lover said:  Let us see who has the strangest magic.

The young sultan simply laughed out the window, and the fo mer lover became very angry.

The young sultan came down from the palce and the two men began to fight.  They fought for one week, and neither of them was injured.  After they had fought for ten days, the young sultan succeeded in killing the former lover.  The young sultan was so mad that he even killed the dog of the former lover.

The father of p.s said to her:  You had better take your husband home before he kills all my subjects.
P-s said to her husband:  If you want to go home, we can go now.

The young sultan said:  For a long time my servant and I have wanted to go home.

P. S. said:  You and your servant close your eyes, and do not open them until I tell you.

When they opened their eyes at p-s's request, they were all on the steps of the house of p-l, the adopted sister[[strikethrough]]o[[/strikethrough]] of the sultan.