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一月七日 分廠ニテ慰問演藝 原田シヨウコウ
[[translation]]January 7th, comfort entertainment show at the factory, [[Harada shoukou?]][[/translation]]

[[translation]]7 days has passed this month again. Looking up at the moon, gazing at the all day biting cold sky of Northern Manchuria from the factory window.[[/translation]]

[[translation]]The nostalgic comfort entertainment show that everyone was waiting for started at 2 PM at the factory.[[/translation]]

[[translation]]Beautiful women sang from their hearts, belly-shaking laughter of comedy, yet still within the fun there are the thoughts for us and our country, displaying the fierce passion of those at home. I was hit with the generosity of sending them from Japan to this boring Manchuria. Oh how Japan has reached its zenith. I am so grateful that I am here in this time under his(emperor's) rule. For the fierce determination and expectations of those at home, I will do my very best.[[/translation]]

[[translation]]These wings, planes and planes are the single path of my life and loyalty.[[/translation]]

[[top left]]音樂専門幼稚園 [[translation]]music focused kindergarten[[/translation]][[/top left]]