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Baker, Miss      420
Baker, Rev. Robert J. 717, 1030, 1120, 1161, 1229
Ballantine, Wm.  197,198, 234, 268, 270, 288, 462a*, 519*, 540*, 605, 661, 692, 721, 755,  832, 864, 872, 874, 898, 945, 947, 952, 966, 970, 985, 1029, 1039, 1040, 1058, 1059, 1065, 1181, 1194, 1230d, 1231, 1232
Balloch, Bvt. Gen.   860
Baltimore, Association   635, 1233
Banning, E. F.  522*
Barber, A. L.   848, 981, 1045, 1050
Barrett, H. C.   136, 300
Bartlett, Mrs. S. B.  69
Bartlett, Wm.   235
Barnes, Dr. A. F.  101
Bassett, Prof. E. D. 7, 745
Bassett, William   1209, 1230d
Beans, Nancy H.  236, 1144
Beans, Sarah 271
Bell, Anna P.  107, 119, 162, 207, 215, 231, 316, 493, 687
Bernard, Mr. E. P.   445
Beshe[a?]rs, Mary 1079
Beyer, Rev. J. S.    9
Black, Hezekiah,   1123, 1152, 1187, 1188