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Bureau Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
Head Quarters Asst Commissioner D.C.
Washington January 1st 1868.

[[underlined]] Eldridge [[/underlined]] Bvt. Maj. [[underlined]] Stuart [[/underlined]]
A. A. A. General

I have the honor to present the following report of the work of Education in this Department for the month of December 

Paid for material and labor furnished for the building of School Houses at
Plum Point, Calvert County Maryland | $420.32
Barry Farm, Washington County D.C. | 85.40
Rent of Schoolhouses | 1340.00
Repairs " " " [[dittos for of Schoolhouses]] | 20.00
For Temperance Manuals | 75.00
Total | $1940.72

The total number of schools reported this month is 79, 77 day and 4 night. Number of teachers 109, 89 white and 20 colored. Number of Scholars 4388  Besides these schools there are in operation 18 schools not reported this month, having 1059 pupils and 24 teachers — of these 25 are white and 9 colored. These added to those regularly reported make the whole number of Schools in this Department 97 — of teachers 143 — of scholars 5447, being 341 scholars less than was reported for the month of November. This decrease is owing to the severe weather and the insufficient clothing of many of the children.

I keep, Rev. C. W. Sharpe, our agent in the Kanawha Valley, well supplied with blanks, but have not succeeded thus far this season in getting regular monthly reports of the schools in that valley.

The reports from Parkersburgh come very irregularly

Says Rev. J. S. Boyer of the work in Lewisburgh "I regret to say that I fear no one here feels adequate interest in the matter. It has been allowed to drag along from week to week instead of being vigorously pressed forward." I can say the same of the work in many other places in West Virginia, and in Maryland; yet much has been done and there will be a large increase in the number of schools with the new year.

Six (6) Industrial Schools are reported. Mrs. J. [[/page 2]]