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Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A.L.
Head Quarters Asst. Comm'r D.C.
Washington February 1st 1868

[[underlined]] Eldridge [[/underlined]] Bvt. Major [[underlined]] Stuart [[/underlined]] 
A.A.A. General.

Major:  I have the honor to present the following report of the work of Education in the Department for the month of January.

This Bureau has paid to aid in the erection of a school house at Point Pleasant W.V. | $200.00
" " " " [[dittos for This Bureau has paid]] for repairs of school building at Harpers Ferry,W.V. | $28.88.
" " " " [[dittos for This Bureau has paid]] for repairs and furniture of school house at Annapolis, Md. | $232.21.

" " " " [[dittos for This Bureau has paid]] to aid in erection of school house at Charleston W.V. | $253.18.

" " " " [[dittos for This Bureau has paid]] rent of Carroll Hall, Washington D.C. | $35.00

" " " " [[dittos for This Bureau has paid]] for work on school houses in Calvert County, Md. | $9.00

" " " " [[dittos for This Bureau has paid]] salary of Mrs. J. B. Johnson  | $50.00

" " " " [[dittos for This Bureau has paid]] salary of Supt. of Education  | $150.00

" " " " [[dittos for This Bureau has paid]] for erection of Miss S. Walkers Industrial school building | $157.74

" " " " [[dittos for This Bureau has paid]] for matron of Industrial School | $25.00

" " " " [[dittos for This Bureau has paid]] for cutting and making garments | $870.17

" " " " [[dittos for This Bureau has paid]] for material used in Industrial schools | $5,117.11

Total for Industrial Schools | $6,170.02
" " [[dittos for Total for]] Educational " [[ditto for Schools]] | $958.27
Sum Total | $7128.29

Industrial Schools.
Six Industrial schools are reported: number of scholars enrolled 375; 81 of whom receive rations; number of garments made and repaired 3105.      

Normal, High and Theological schools.
Of such schools there are six (6) now in operation.  The Stover Normal School is located at Harpers Ferry West Va.  It has 43 pupils enrolled with an average attendance of 32. Sixteen of the pupils are over sixteen years of age; nine are studying grammar.  This is evidently a very primary form of school.  Buildings have been obtained from the Government. A beautiful site has been purchased by the

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society having this school in charge, and it is expected that a school of a high order will there be gathered.

The Normal and Preparatory Department of the Howard University located on 7th street near Washington City boundary, numbers 55 pupils; average attendance 43.  Of these 29 are over 16 years of age; seven of the pupils are white.  Very many of the pupils are children of free people of the District; some [[strikethrough]] are [[/strikethrough]] of them are intending to take a collegiate course, and some will no doubt become teachers.  There is a class in latin, and a class well advanced in arithmetic.

The National Theological Institute and University located at No. 70 La. ave. in this city numbers 60 pupils; average attendance 35.  All of these are over 16 years old.  Very many of them are employed in the hotels in that part of the city.  They are learning to read and write and are also taught arithmetic; some of them have made considerable progress.  This is an excellent day school for adults, and is well taught and well patronized.

The Wayland Seminary, on I street between 19 and 20 streets, numbers 28 pupils; average attendance 25; 26 are over 16 years of age; 11 are studying history; 6 moral philosophy one in natural philosophy, and 3 in latin.  A lecture is delivered each day in theology and some kindred science.  Many of the students are looking forward to the ministry.

The Theological Educational Institute, corner 22d and I streets numbers 79 pupils; average attendance 47, all of whom are over 16 years of age. This school is under the supervision of Rev. [[underlined]] E. Turney [[/underlined]] D.D.  He says "this school is in effect the continuation of the school of the National Theological Institute and University and consists, with very few exceptions, of the same pupils".  "A number of the students being pastors of churches, and occupying other positions which prevent their constant attendance, prosecute studies assigned them during a portion of their time at their homes.  The students are taught in English grammar and composition; in elocution in ancient history, and geography, in the scriptures, parts of theology &c.  The majority of the students are accommodated with rooms in the building where the school is held."

The Female Collegiate Institute, also at the corner of 22d and I streets, numbers 64 pupils; average attendance 36, all of whom are over 16 years old.  D. [[underlined]] Turney [[/underlined]] who superintends the Institute reports that "it embraces two schools; a primary and advanced school.  The former is under the