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instruction of those teachers who reside in the building; the latter is taught in reading,  spelling, geography, arithmetic, English grammar and composition; also algebra with lessons in geometry."

The total number of day and night schools reported this month is 118 — 98 day and 20 night. No. of teachers 168, of whom 129 are white and 39 colored. No. of scholars 6613. Besides these schools there are in operation 31 schools not reported this month, having 1518 pupils, and 41 teachers. Of the latter 21 are white and 20 colored. These, with those reported make the whole number of schools in this Department 149  No. of teachers 209. No. of pupils 8131, showing an increase of 2684 pupils to the number reported in December.

Thirteen (13) teachers report an average attendance of 90 per cent, and over. I give the names of these teachers with the percent of their schools.

Miss [[underlined]] M.R. Mann, [[/underlined]] 91 per cent. | Mrs. [[underlined]] J.S. Dove [[/underlined]] 91+ per cent.
" [[ditto for Miss]] H.S. Macomber 93+ "" [[dittos for per cent]] | Miss E.J. Brooks 93+ "" [[dittos for per cent]] 
Mrs. [[underlined]] E.H. Disbrow [[/underlined]] 92 "" [[dittos for per cent]] | " [[ditto for Miss]] [[underlined]] R.J. Cooke [[/underlined]] 92+ "" [[dittos for per cent]]
[[underlined]] Miss Susan Fowle [[/underlined]] 96+ "" [[dittos for per cent]] | " [[ditto for Miss]] [[underlined]] C.W. Moore [[/underlined]] 95+ "" [[dittos for per cent]]
" [[ditto for Miss]] [[underlined]] Abby C. Ford [[/underlined]] 100 "" [[dittos for per cent]] | " [[ditto for Miss]] [[underlined]] Kate S. Crane [[/underlined]] 92+ "" [[dittos for per cent]]
" [[ditto for Miss]] [[underlined]] M.R. Gaines [[/underlined]] 90 "" [[dittos for per cent]] | " [[ditto for Miss]] [[underlined]] Jennie Snowden [[/underlined]] 91+ "" [[dittos for per cent]]
" [[ditto for Miss]] [[underlined]] R.H. Elwell [[/underlined]] 92+ "" [[dittos for per cent]]

The above all teach in the District of Columbia.

Very slow progress is being made towards completing the school houses which are being erected in Maryland and West Virginia. The weather is very unfavorable and the people naturally dilatory. And when houses are completed I find great difficulty in securing teachers. The Pa. Branch F and U Commission is aiding with a few teachers. I have not been able to get teachers from any other society during the month.

With Genl. [[underlined]] C.H. Howard [[/underlined]], and [[underlined]] W.J. Wilson [[/underlined]], Esqr., I went to Annapolis, Md., and held a meeting on the evening of the 20th. About six hundred were present. Over $250.00 was subscribed for school purposes, and a good disposition was manifest to carry on the work of education in that place. We visited the schools and found them prospering.

No cases of want have been reported to me by teachers or agents in the country, but often they write that laborers are in good demand at fair pay.

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One teacher writes, "I never saw people so low and degraded. There is much drunkenness among both whites and blacks. The colored people have more ways to earn money than at Washington. They live in comfortable houses and are well clothed. All the freedmen here could have homes of their own if they would save the money they earn, land is so low."

I have sent the manual of the "Vanguard of Freedom" to every teacher in this Department, and have requested them to organize Divisions of the same.

Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education

[[line across page]]


Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Head Quarters Asst. Comm'r D.C.
Washington February 1st 1868

[[underlined] Smith  [[/underlined]] Rev. [[underlined] E.P. [[/underlined]]

Dear Sir:
I have not a good place in Md. for the lady you write about at the present time. I want teachers badly but just now, colored. Cannot find boarding places for white. Wish you would help me to some of that sort.

Very respectfully yours
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.

[[line across page]]


Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
Head Quarters Asst. Commissioner D.C.
Washington, February 1st, 1868.

[[underlined]] Janny R.M. [[/underlined]]

I went with Genl. [[underlined]] C.H.Howard [[/underlined]] a week ago last Monday to Annapolis. We had a large meeting and over $250 00/ was subscribed to pay off the debt. We found there was a debt of over $300 00/ for board of teachers, coal and work on the school house and also a debt of over $900.00 for the land on which the house is placed. This land debt is new to us. You know, I presume, all about it. It seems there was a subscription raised but as no deed could be given at that time, the money [[strikethrough]] paid [[/strikethrough]] was not paid over and now a part of that list is not good.

Transcription Notes:
Formatting done per SI instructions In column of names, all names (but not titles) are underlined. In column of names, " [[ditto] before the name stands for "Miss"; "" [[double ditto]] after number stands for "per cent".