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Beside what was raised that night, Genl Howard has promised to aid them still more, but to what amount I do not know.  The schools are now in good condition, and with your help {{can't read}} self supporting, but when the salaries of the teachers are withdrawn the schools will go down or become more private pay schools in my opinion unless some new way is adopted to keep up funds.  I proposed this way to them.  Now they are not taxed for schools, an exception being made some years ago.  I think they should ask the Assembly to levy a head tax, say of one or two dollars, and a tax on real estate from the colored people to be used for colored schools, and that it be collected in the usual manner.  The colored men say that money they raised would be paid over as intended and thus they would be in funds.  If you think this a good way suppose you help it on.  If not will you suggest a better way?
                      Very respectfully yours
                         John Kimball
                         Supt. of Education.
48                       Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A. L.
                           Head Quarters Asst. Comm'r D.C.
                              Washington, February 1st, 1868.

{{can't read name in left margin}}  Rev. I. {{underlined}}

   I have talked with Genl Howard  {{underlined}} about that matter.  If you have a regular night school or day school which is free to the colored people and which you can report to me each month, then I will put your name on the list.  If you only do Missionary work and hold Sabbath School and night school occasionally I cannot do it.
                          Very respectfully yours
                             John Kimball
                             Supt of Education.

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49  Carson {{? underlined}}  Col. R.R. {{underlined}}
  I have just received a letter from Oxen Run, in which it is said that {{can't read}} to the bad weather the property of the people, they think they cannot make out a full {{underlined}} day and night school until Spring.  I therefore wish very much you would send a Miss Irdell {{underlined last name}} to one of the other places when we are sure to have a large school.   Woodville is a place that ought to be filled immediately.  They have a good house and I think one hundred scholars would be in attendance if they could be cared for.
                               Very respectfully yours,
                                   John Kimball
                                  Dept. of Education.


50                Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
                   Head Quarters Asst. Comm'r D.C.
                    Washington, February 3d, 1868.

Janny {{underlined in left margin}}  R.M. {{underlined}}
   Washington and Alleghany counties have been added to our District. Please tell me about school matters up there. And will you not forward report of schools then established for the month of January? I shall be very happy to cooperate with you in the good work in that part of the state. 

                               Very respectfully yours, 

                                   John Kimball 

                                  Dept. of Education. 



51                Bureau R.[[Refugees]] F.[[Freedmen]] and A.L. 

                   Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commisioner D.C. 

                    Washington, February 4, 1868. 


Wilmis{{? - underlined in left margin}}  D.M.R {{underlined}} 

    The school in Port[?] Golaees[?] has disappointed me 

Is the teacher giving 
satisfaction? Does she have a night school? If so it should be reported on monthly blank. This is the smallest school reported to me. Until the number can be increased, I think the salary will stop. The society cannot afford to keep it up, when the call is so loud elsewhere.