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What has been done with Miss [[underlined]] Lyons? [[/underlined]]  I see you ask another for Princess Ann.

I am asked to send a teacher to Elkton.  How about that place?

Have you places for a few good colored ladies?  If so, where? 

Very Respectfully, Yours
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.

[[line across page]]


Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Head Quarters Asst. Com'r D.C.
Washington, Jany 5th 1869.

[[underlined]] Cushing [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Bailey [[/underlined]]
Baltimore, Md.


Please give me the name of each teacher, and the bill of each.  There are two who are reported at Port Republic.

Very Respectfully, Yours
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.

[[line across page]]


Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Head Quarters Asst. Com'r D.C.
Washington, Jany 5th 1869.

[[underlined]] Nailor  Nathan. [[/underlined]] 
Poolsville, Md.

Dear Sir:

I expect to send you a colored lady teacher in a few days.  I want you to have the house in order, and furnish a good boarding place.  We shall pay the salary of the teacher.  Now is the time to start the school.

Very Respectfully, Yours
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.

P.S.  Answer my letter.

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Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Head Quarters Asst. Com'r D.C.
Washington, Jany 5th 1869.

[[underlined]] Adams  John. [[/underlined]] 
Poolsville, Md.

Dear Sir:

I expect to send you a lady teacher (colored) to 

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commence your school in a very few days, the last of this week or the first of next.  We shall see her salary paid, and you must pay her board.  I understand that you are ready.

Very Respectfully, Yours
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.

P.S.  Answer my letter.

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Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Head Quarters Asst. Com'r D.C.
Washington, Jany 6th 1869.

[[underlined]] Corson [[/underlined]] Col. [[underlined]] R. R. [[/underlined]]
Philadelphia, Pa.

Dear Sir:

Genl. [[underlined]] Howard [[/underlined]] says he will pay half this bill, from Oct. 1st/67, to Oct. 1st/68.  He cannot go back longer than that.  If rent had been [[strikethrough]] paid [[/strikethrough]] asked during the time, it would have been paid.  But Genl. [[underlined]] Balloch [[/underlined]] cannot get the papers through Government Office, (Auditors) for 66 & 67.  Please return the bill changed and I will collect it.  The others will go through.

I find all the boxes that Adams Express was to deliver waiting at their office here, for (as they say) the parties to send for them.  Shall I send them on?  And for whom are the boxes intended which are directed to me?  Nothing can go by express beyond this city.  Please reply immediately as I want to get them off.

Very Respectfully, Yours
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.

[[line across page]]


Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Head Quarters Asst. Com'r D.C.
Washington, Jany 6th 1869.

[[underlined]] Fletcher [[/underlined]] Miss [[underlined]] H. E. [[/underlined]]
Bladensburg, Md.


I am afraid we cannot aid more in the house, will will see.

I want you to see the trustees and tell them to send me a copy of the deed for the school-house lot immeidately.  It must be done at once, in order to secure the property.

Very Respectfully, Yours
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.