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The number of schools in Maryland, West Virginia and Delaware is about the same as last year.

The following items, wrongly given in the annual statistical report, because that report was made up from the monthly reports, which are not full in these particulars, are correctly stated here, viz:

Schools sustained by Freedmen | 47
" " [[dittos for: Schools sustained]] in part by Freedmen | 117
Buildings owned by Freedmen | 164
" [[ditto for: Buildings]] provided by Bureau | 18

It is proper to say that the one hundred and sixty-four School buildings reported as owned by freedmen, one hundred and three are in part the gift of the Bureau.

The following table shows the estimated amounts paid by all parties for schools during the past six months.

Freedmen for Tuition | Bureau for running Schools | Taxation | Societies
District of Columbia | - | - | -
$4896.00 | $1170.00 | $18360.00 | $10110.00
Maryland | - | - | - 
18480.00 | 6020.00 | 5340.00 | 4200.00
Delaware | - | - | - 
1980.00 | 7820.00 | - | 3000.00
West Virginia | - | - | - 
- | 300.00 | 1800.00 | 1200.00
$25356.00 | $15310.00 | $25500.00 | 18510.00
Total $84676.00

The freedmen have also expended for construction, repairs and books $15000.00, and the Bureau has expended for repairs, furniture &c. as per report of Disbursing Officer, Maj. [[underlined]] J. M. Brown [[/underlined]] $11331.64.  I am not able to give the amount expended by the Bureau for transportation of teachers.

The above table is made up from personal knowledge and the reports of the schools, but without consultation with officers of the Societies or School Commissioners of the States or District, other than Mr. [[underlined]] John Core, [[/underlined]] Actuary of the Baltimore Association, who declares it to be fair and correct so far as he knows.

You will observe that the freedmen are credited for all purposes with the large sum of over $40000.00.  Most of this sum has been given in Maryland.  No Society teachers have been sent to that State except where the freedmen agreed to pay their board and incidentals of the school, in additon to which the Baltimore Association

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and the Societies working through it, have required from them $10. per month toward the salary of each of their teachers, numbering over sixty.  A much larger sum would be reported as having been expended by the freedmen could we have obtained teachers suited to their schools.  They have often asked in vain for colored teachers, whom we could not find.

Many applications for houses have been received, but it has not seemed wise to continue to build largely while houses already erected by us were standing empty for want of teachers:  therefore but six (6) school-houses have been erected during the six months, and the whole amount expended by the Bureau in this District has been small, not over $22000. for the six months including $10000. expended for rent, which was used for running schools, while during the twelve months of last year, without rent, the amount expended by the Bureau was over $43000.  Of course this does not include the amount for Howard University.

I have reported as expended over $25000. arising from the State and District school-tax.  This does not include the amount used for school-houses and sites, which is probably quite as much more.  No such aid is afforded in Delaware:  there the colored people are entirely ignored in what school system the State has.  But Delaware does not perpetrate the injustice practiced in Maryland of taxing the colored people and using the money thus raised for the education of the white children.  This is done throughout Maryland with the exception of Washington, Dorchester and it may be one or two other counties, and Baltimore City, though contrary to laws enacted by a Democratic Assembly.

In Hagerstown, Washington County, I am glad to report that the School Commissioners have anticipated the school-tax for one or two years in order to aid the freedmen to the amount of $300. in building a school-house.  In Dorchester County, the School examiner, an Episcopal Rector, informed me that the colored schools were doing finely;  that he had so reported to the School Board, and that not only should they have their own school money but he would use his influence to give them a part of the tax arising from all property.

In Baltimore, a few good schools, about fourteen (14), are sustained by the City, which though entirely inadequate to the wants of that large place, are ominous for good.

The white people of my District are growing more favorable to colored schools.  Said a colored man in Montgomery County, Md. to his old master with whom he still lives.  "We have no school as they have in other places, and we are not contented.  Then too I go to market for you in Washington, and if I could read and reckon I should be able to serve you better.  Won't you help us to build a school