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Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Supt. Education, D.C. &c
Washington, Sept. 16th 1869.

[[underlined]] Hatfield  Rev. E. F. [[/underlined]]

Dear Sir:

Did you send a letter of [[underlined]] W. F. Brooks [[/underlined]] to Hughesville, Charles Co., Md.  If so she might be able to find that package of books.  I have sent you [[underlined]] Cushings and Bailey's [[/underlined]] letters in regard to it.  I am lacking reports as follows.

[[underlined]] Francis J. Grimkie [[/underlined]]  Aug.
[[underlined]] W. F. Brooks [[/underlined]]  July and Aug.
[[underlined]] John J. Carter [[/underlined]]  " " " [[dittos for: July and Aug.]]
[[underlined]] J. W. Davenport [[/underlined]]  "  [[ditto for: Aug.]]
[[underlined]] E. E. Green [[/underlined]]  July and " [[ditto for: Aug.]]
[[underlined]] A. H. Brown [[/underlined]]  " [[ditto for: July]] and " [[ditto for: Aug.]]
[[underlined]] W. R. Coles [[/underlined]]  "  [[ditto for: July]]
[[underlined]] G. W. Robinson [[/underlined]]  "  [[ditto for: July]] and Aug.
[[underlined]] W. H. Carter [[/underlined]]  "  [[ditto for: Aug.]]
[[underlined]] Chas. P. Colder [[/underlined]] for July and Aug.
[[underlined]] George R. Anderson [[/underlined]]  " " " " [[dittos for: for July and Aug.]]
[[underlined]] Chas. Morrell [[/underlined]]  " "  [[dittos for: for July]]
[[underlined]] Jacob H. Goble [[/underlined]]  " "  [[dittos for: for July]] and Aug.
[[underlined]] J. C. Waters [[/underlined]]  "   [[ditto for: for]] July

I judge that [[underlined]] W. H. Brooks [[/underlined]] did not go to his place New Market, as my letter to him was returned to me from the dead letter office.  [[underlined]] Stephen R. Gilson [[/underlined]]  did not go to [[underlined]] Handon Hill, [[/underlined]] and to my knowledge is not in the work.  Cannot you have duplicated of a report received by you sent to me in lieu of reports not received.  I suppose they have all reported to you.  I want to make note of it in my monthly report.

Very Respectfully, Yours,
(Sgd.) John Kimball
Supt. Education.


Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Supt. Education, D.C. &c
Washington, Sept. 15th 1869.

[[underlined]] Henderson  Mr. Geo. R. [[/underlined]]

Dear Sir:

I have sent your letter to Mr. [[underlined]] Hatfield. [[/underlined]]  You will hear from him soon.  I want a report of your school.  I send you blanks.  Report the part of the 1st of the month to the 1st of next month, and then on until you close; month by month.  Send it in immediately.  I will try to send a teacher for the next term.

Respectfully Yours,
(Sgd.) John Kimball 
Supt. Education.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Supt. Education, D.C. &c
Washington, Sept. 16th 1869.

[[underlined]] Chambers  Mr Wm. H. [[/underlined]]

Dear Friend:

What day did you write me you should close school.  I shall be glad to come over if I can, and should like to see you at my office.  If you wish to continue teaching through the winter season, I think it would be quite well for you to remain where you are, and build up the school.

The house should be plastered.  Do you think a change should be made in board of Trustees.

Respectfully Yours
(Sgd.) John Kimball
Supt. Education.


Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Supt. Education, D.C. &c
Washington, Sept. 16, 1869.

[[underlined]] Evans Mr. [[/underlined]]

Dear Sir:  I can come on the 24th, or any day but Saturday.  I would come on that day, if I could get back so as to reach home Saturday night, but I cannot be away over Sunday.  Write me what arrangement you can make.

Respectfully Yours,
[[signature]] J. Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. Education.

P.S.  If I can possibly get [[underlined]] Judge Bond, [[/underlined]] or some other one well known to you, to come with me, I shall get him.


Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Supt. Education, D.C. &c
Washington, Sept. 17th 1869.

[[underlined]] Miller  F., Esq. [[/underlined]]

Dear Sir:

A letter to [[underlined]] Maj. Vanderlip [[/underlined]] has been forwarded to me.  The school houses are in the hands of the local school board, generally composed of colored men.  We have not power to grant the request.  I know the meetings of the Union League are held in these houses, and think the Trustees generally are Republicans.

Respectfully Yours,
(Sgd.) John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. Education.