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Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Supt. Education, D.C. &c
Washington, Oct. 4th 1869.

[[underlined]] Leach  Mrs.  [[/underlined]]

Dear Madam:

Please open school on Wednesday Oct. 6th.  Hope you will have a large school.  I believe you have a Register, if not let me know, and I will send you one.  I send you 10 Blanks.

Respectfully Yours,
(Sgd.) John Kimball,
Supt. Education.

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Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Supt. Education, D.C. &c
Washington, Oct. 4th 1869.

[[underlined]] Lowell  Mrs. J. S. [[/underlined]]

Dear Madam:

Did you write me that you would take [[underlined]] Sebastian Payne? [[/underlined]]  You have not I believe, but I judge by your letter that you intended so to do, and his friend also.

I do not want to exchange any man who is fit to teach for a woman.  For this reason that, while I have some 40 places now needing teachers, very few of them are such as women will, do well for.  They are in the country, and boarding places are too far from school houses.  Still if you cannot let us have Payne's friend, I have nothing to say.

You know best what ought to be done.

With great respect,
Yours Truly,
(Sgd.) John Kimball,
Supt. Education.

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Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Supt. Education, D.C. &c
Washington, Oct. 4th 1869.

[[underlined]] Haviland  Miss [[/underlined]]

Dear Miss:

I am very much obliged to your father for trying to help to find those books.  We cannot aid but one teacher at your place.

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We will help you the same as last year, from the 1st of Oct., only this, your school must be larger.  The rule is 30 pupils for a school.  I think if the people understand that the school will be closed, unless they send their children, they will do so.  I at least indulge the hope.  Please let me know how matters come on.

Very Respectfully, Yours,
(Sgd.) John Kimball,
Supt. Education.

Regards to all.  I expect to leave this work, and go to California the last of this month.

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Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Supt. Education, D.C. &c
Washington, Oct. 4th 1869.

[[underlined]] Brown  Mr. Peter. [[/underlined]]

Dear Sir:

The teacher, [[underlined]] Miss Fletcher, [[/underlined]] has probably already reached your place.  I wish you to have school opened somewhere immediately, and to get into the school house very soon.  I am astonished after all we have done for Emmittsburg that you are not ready for a school.  I give you permission to call a meeting immediately, and have a new board of trustees elected, if the old board will not act;  that is sufficient reason for removing them.  Let the people of E. for their own credit take hold, and send their children to school.

Respectfully Yours,
(Sgd.) John Kimball,
Supt. Education.

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Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Supt. Education, D.C. &c
Washington, Oct. 4th 1869.

[[underlined]] Corson  Col. R. R. [[/underlined]]

Dear Sir:

You have promised so well that I have already appointed 30 teachers, if they all accept, and made some promises to a few more.  This is allright is it not?  You know you said you would take the 25 whose names I gave you, and you have since sent me several more names.  I now want a lot of men and a few women.  Cannot you give us right away good men?

Bracy will do at judge, but he is going to a place