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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office Supt. Education, D.C. &c.
Washington, Jany 14th 1870.

Price  Mr. Thomas H. 
Oakville, Md.

Dear Sir:

I have allowed you $15 for the time you taught in November, and you received one months salary from Col. Corson ($20.)
The enclosed check of $15 settles your account up to the 1st inst.

Very Respectfully, Yours,
W. L. Van Derlip
Bvt. Maj. and Supt. Education.


Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office Supt. Education, D.C. &c.
Washington, Jany 14th 1870.

Adams  Mr. John W. 
Tyaskin, Md.

Dear Sir:

Please find enclosed Check for $10- which with the $10 you received from Col. Corson settles your account for December.

Very Respectfully, Yours,
W. L. Van Derlip
Bvt. Maj. and Supt. Education.


Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office Supt. Education, D.C. &c.
Washington, Jany 14th 1870.

Douglass  Miss Mary T. 
Brighton, Md.


I allowed you $14 for the time you taught in October.  You have been paid $40. by Col. Corson, which with the enclosed check for $14. settles your account for December.

Very Respectfully, Yours,

Bvt. Maj. and Supt. Education.


Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office Supt. Education, D.C. &c.
Washington, January 14th 1870.

Moses  Miss Beckie. 
Point of Rocks, Md.

Enclosed please find check enclosed to your order for Twenty dollars to pay your salary for December.

Very Respectfully, 
Bvt. Maj. and Supt. Education.


Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office Supt. Education, D.C. &c.
Washington, Jany. 14th 1870.

Campton  Miss Jennie. 
Norbeck, Md.

Enclosed please find check to your order for twenty dollars to pay to pay your salary for December 1869.

Very Respectfully
Bvt. Maj. and Supt. Education.


Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office Supt. Education, D.C. &c.
Washington, Jany 14th 1870.

Anderson  Cornelius T. 
Forktown, Md.

Dear Sir:

Enclosed please find check to your order for twenty dollars to pay your salary for December 1869.

Yours &c.,
Bvt. Maj. and Supt. Education.

The same forwarded to Elizabeth Haviland
The same forwarded to Samuel H. Brooks
The same forwarded to Mary E. Watson