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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office Superintendent Education, D.C. &c.
Washington, Jany 26th 1870.

[[underlined]] Corson  Col. R. R. [[/underlined]] 
Philadelphia, Pa.

Dr Sir:

I enclose petition of [[underlined]] Emma J. Whittington, [[/underlined]] for an assistant.  She seems to be doing a good work and has too many scholars to do them justice.  I hope you can send the lady she wishes, to aid her for two months.

Miss [[underlined]] Alexander [[/underlined]] writes about her salary for Dec.  I believe it was not in your check.

Yours Respectfully, 
Bvt. Maj., and Supt. Education.

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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office Supt. Education, D.C. &c.
Washington, Jany 26th 1870.

[[underlined]] Foster Mr Wm. H. [[/underlined]] 
Great Falls, Pa.

Yours of the 21st, recd.  There are so many schools in Md. yet without teachers that it is impossible to furnish you with an assistant now.  You must do the best you can by your scholars, and first impress upon them the importance of being prompt at school:  then you can hear Geography only every other day, and Arithmetic the alternate day.  Put your scholars into classes, and when the class recites make them wait till all the other classes are done.  This applies to the day schools only.

You will find that by systematizing every department of your school, your work will be made lighter.  Do the best you can and report to me often.

Yours Respectfully, 
Bvt. Maj., and Supt. Education.

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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office Supt. Education, D.C. &c.
Washington, Jany. 26th 1870.

[[underlined]] Cooper  George. [[/underlined]] 
St. Leonard, Md.

Dr Sir:

Yours of the 7th is received.  Mr. [[underlined]] K– [[/underlined]] an agent of this Dept. will be down to your school house about matters there.  Give him all the information you can.

Yours Respectfully, 
Bvt. Maj., and Supt. Education.

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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office Supt. Education, D.C. &c.
Washington, Jany. 26th 1870.

[[underlined]] Core  Mr. Jno. [[/underlined]] 
Baltimore, Md.

Dr Sir:

Absence from the city is my excuse for not replying ere this to your notes.  There are so many discrepancies between the reports of Teachers as received here, and your rental accounts, that I have not been able to forward them as yet.  My clerk is away and that helps to embarrass me.

As soon as possible I will forward the account.

Very Respectfully, 
Your Obd't Servt.
Bvt. Maj., and Supt. Education.

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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office Supt. Education, D.C. &c.
Washington, Jany. 26th 1870.

[[underlined]] Smith  Wm. [[/underlined]] 
Upper Marlboro.

Dr Sir: