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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office Supt. Education, D.C. &c.
Washington, Jany 29th 1870.

[[underlined]] Catto, Esq. Octavius V. [[/underlined]] 
Philadelphia, Penn.

Dear Sir:

We need some ten or fifteen teachers to go at once to go at once to [[underlined]] Maryland. [[/underlined]]  Can you help me to procure them.  I have arranged to pay the salaries of same and think I can provide for all by the time they report.

Most of them are wanted on the [[underlined]] Eastern Shore. [[/underlined]]  Pay $20. per mo. board, fuel and lights.

Please let me hear from you as soon as possible.

Very Respectfully, 
Your Obd't Serv't.
Bvt. Major and Supt. Education.

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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office Supt. Education, D.C. &c.
Washington, Jany. 29th 1870.

[[Footnote 1]]

[[underlined]] Adams  Mr. George E. [[/underlined]] 
Centerville, Md.

Dr. Sir:

Will you please inform me whether you have a school house at [[underlined]] Centerville. [[/underlined]]  Also whether there is one at [[underlined]] Salem. [[/underlined]]  Also whether you have a school now open at either of these places, and any other information you can give me about them.

I expect to visit your place week after next, and will try to send you word a few days in advance.

Yours respectfully, 
Bvt. Major and Supt. Education.

[[Footnote 1]]  I wrote you last week and directed to Geo. P. Adams.

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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office Superintendent Education, D.C. &c.
Washington, Jany. 29th 1870.

[[underlined]] Harden  H. [[/underlined]] 
Port Republic, Md.

Dr Sir:

Yours of the 15th inst. is received.  There are so many schools without any teachers that we cannot send you an assistant [[underlined]] now. [[/underlined]]  Do the best you can and let me hear from you often.

[[underlined]] Mr. Butler [[/underlined]] — my assistant will call on you in a few days.

Yours respectfully, 
Bvt. Maj. and Supt. Education.

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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office Supt. Education, D.C. &c.
Washington, Jany. 29th 1870.

[[underlined]] Corson  Col. R. R. [[/underlined]] 
Phila., Penn.

Dear Sir:

Yours of yesterday is received.  [[underlined]] Lindsey [[/underlined]] is not one of our teachers, and has never shown himself here as I am aware of.  Better let [[underlined]] Douglass [[/underlined]] case rest till [[underlined]] Crosby [[/underlined]] returns.  He will be back sometime next week.  I cannot tell about Mr. [[underlined]] Douglass [[/underlined]] salary.  [[underlined]] Crosby [[/underlined]] will know.  I have heard from [[underlined]] Jenkins. [[/underlined]]

Very respectfully, 
Bvt. Maj. and Supt. Education.