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Bureau R.F. & A. Lands
Office Supdt. Education D.C.
Washington  Feb'y 28, '70

[[underlined]] Butler  Mr. John Butler [[/underlined]] 
Woodville Md.

Dear Sir:

I have ordered [[underlined]] Miss Lucinda Smith [[/underlined]] to the school at Little Union.  Have they a school house there?  I have written to Mr. Hardesty to meet her at the Gatesville boat.  I have received word that the school house at Oakville St. Marys Co. was burned on the 29th and I want you to go there at once and see if you can find out the cause.  Mr. Price is there teaching.  If there is any place for him to hold school, I want him to continue there, if not I shall send him to Solomons Island.  See if the building was ruined and try to get money to rebuild at once, all the school houses ought to be insured.  Impress that on the people wherever you speak to them and help them to insure everywhere.

Yours respectfully Yours &c
Bvt. Major and Sup. Education

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Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Office Supt. Education D.C.
Washington  Feb. 28th 1870.

[[underlined]] Lowell  Mrs J. S. [[/underlined]] 

Dear Madam:

I have received a letter from [[underlined]] Miss Iredell [[/underlined]] saying she was sick and had left Federalsburg and resigned her position.  I am provoked for we would have had a nice school there.  I told [[underlined]] Miss Smith [[/underlined]] to go to Mt Zion school Anne Arundel Co. and open tomorrow, expecting to hear that my appeal to you Saturday was not in vain.  If you consent I will furnish another teacher for Miss Iredell's school.  Have you paid her anything?  She procured books for which I am responsible, and I think they will cover all due her.

Very Respectfully, Yours &c.
Bvt. Major and Supt. of Ed. D C

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Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Supt. Education D.C.
Washington  Feb. 28th 1870.

[[underlined]] Price  Thomas H. [[/underlined]] 
Oakville Md.

Dear Sir:

Yours of the 25th inst giving information of the burning of your school house is received.  If you have no other house, or church in which to continue your school, you will have to remove to another locality till a house is erected.  I hope you may be able to continue teaching in the church.  If not let me know at once and I will tell you where to go.

Yours respectfully
Bvt. Major and Supt. Education

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Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Sup. Education D.C.
Washington  Feb. 29 1870.

[[underlined]] Corson  Col. R. R. [[/underlined]] 
Philadelphia Pa.

Dear Sir:

I have just received a letter from [[underlined]] Price [[/underlined]] saying his school house at Oakville St. Mary's Co. was burned on the 24th inst.  I have sent to inquire into the matter and have written to him to continue his school in the church if there is one.  If not we will send him to Solomon's Island, which is the nearest vacant school.

Yours truly
Bvt. Major and Supt. Ed. 

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Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Supt. Education D.C.
Washington DC  March 1st 1870.

[[underlined]] Lowell  Mrs J. S. [[/underlined]] 
North Shore N.Y.

Dear Madam:

[[underlined]] Mr. J. H. Butler [[/underlined]] our agent who is visiting the schools of the Western Shore of Maryland writes as follows of the