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Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Supt. of Education D.C.
Washington, March 24 1870.

[[underlined]] Glouster  Miss Josephine. [[/underlined]] 
Fedrelsburg, Md.


I send you a school register and blanks.  Please report your school one of these blanks at the end of this month, and forward it to this office promptly on the 1st of April.

Very Respectfully, Yours
W. L. VanDerlip
Bvt. Major and Spt of Ed.
p J. Q. Crosby


Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Supt. of Education D.C.
Washington, March 24th 1870.

[[underlined]] Corson  Col: R. R. [[/underlined]] 
Philadelphia, Pa.

Dear Sir,

Isaiah W. Somers, teacher at Forktown, states that he is greatly in want of money;  that his shoes are worn out &c.  His name was omitted from the pay roll for February because we had no report of his school at Dames Quarter, where he taught last month, since then however, his report has come in and there is twenty dollars due him for the month of February, although I presume he is indebted to you for transportation.  If you can make it convenient to send him any amount you can address him at Forktown, Md.

Very Respectfully, Yours
J. Q. Crosby


Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Supt. of Education D.C.
Washington, March 24th 1870.

[[underlined]] Chew  Mr. Joseph [[/underlined]] 
Church Hill, Md.

Dear Sir;

Messrs Cushings and Bailey 262 Baltimore St. Baltimore, will furnish you with books.  You had better write them for a price list;  then collect

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the money from your pupils or their parents for the books they want, and send it with your order to this firm.  The parcel will be sent according to your directions and at your risk, and I think you had better advise them to deduct from the amount sufficient to pay the freight.

Very Respectfully, Yours
W. L. VanDerlip
Bvt. Major and Supt of Education
(Sgd) per J. Q. Crosby


Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Supt. of Education D.C.
Washington, March 15th 1870.

[[underlined]] Lowell  Mrs. C. R. [[/underlined]] 
West New Brighton, N.Y.


Yours of the 22nd inst. is at hand.  I wrote to Mr. Perkins several days ago requesting him to see that Mr. Ball was located at Crompton, (where a teacher has been applied for) without delay, unless the people at Edensville could provide a suitable room in which to continue their school.  It will probably take them a long time to rebuild their church.  The Bureau can only aid them in building a school-house which must be deeded to school trustees.  It may be used for church purposes, but must not in any way interfere with the school.  I will write Miss Smith that she must report to you at once.

Very Respectfully, Yours
J. Q. Crosby


Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Supt. of Education D.C.
Washington, March [[?]]th 1870.

[[underlined]] Smith  Miss Lucinda. [[/underlined]] 
Tracys Landing, Md.


Mrs. C. R. Lowell, who is Secretary of the Society that employes you, informs me that she has not heard from you.  Please write her without delay, and inform her when you commenced teaching,, how you school is progressing &c.  Her address is New West Brighton, N.Y.