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Washington DC
Jan 17" 1867

Miss Baker,
We shall open next week. a new School House in Georgetown DC. Where there are rooms for Eight Schools. The Pa F R Asst will furnish four 14/ Teachers. The A S Presbyterians 2 T. And I wish your Society would furnish one. There is [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] lady in Georgetown. a Miss Crane from [[?]], who would like the place under your area. She has been teaching some time in G & would like to remain and I recommend her to you. I shall have as Bureau Supt Charge of all the schools in the Building. Which is owned by the Colored people & the Bureau. 
I think it is a bad time now to start a school in the Country in Maryland but next summer shall take pleasure in opening Places for your Teachers. 
Very respectfully
John Kimball
Supt of Schools.