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Washington D.C.
March 5th 1867

Rev. W. Alvord:
Genl. Supt. of Trudmin Schools.


I have the honor to forward you my report of Schools in this District for the month of January 1867.

The general condition of our Schools is encouraging. The teachers are earnest in their work and there is a healthful rivalry among them which extends to the scholars to have the best school in the District. The presentation of average attendance is very high in many of the Schools over sofioo [[unclear word]] and a still higher standard is sought. We have opened the large new School House in Georgetown, in which there are eight (8) Schools in seperate rooms and about four hundred (400) pupils in all. Four of the rooms are filled up with desks. In three of the rooms the desks are of Cherry of Philadelphia make. This is the best Freedman School House in the District and it is largely owned by the colored people.

The member of Night Schools in increasing. Although reading was not made a requisite for writing, the colored 

Transcription Notes:
was unclear of the fourth word in the sixth line in the second paragraph