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Washington D C
April 20th    7
April 23rd 1867

Capt J C Brubaker.
Supt of Freedmens.


I am very anxious to get a school in operation some where in your County.  If in the only Co where there is none - Cannot we get one started at Port Tobacco.  I will come down & help in this matter if I can do any good.  I will go with you through the County & inspect with a view to establishing schools.  But if we can get one good school in operation at P. Tobacco.  I know it must do good and will have an influence upon the rest - of the County.  Please reply immediately telling me what you think can be done.  The Bureau will help in building a house if the land can be obtained, & some Society will run the school.

Very respectfully
John Kimball
Supt of Schools