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April 26    7

Maj Vander[[?]]
Supt of Freedmen


Cannot we get some new schools started in your Countie.  I should think down in Calvert. something might be done.  The Bureau can render some assistance, and if any house is to be built this season, now is the time to make arrangement.

You know in Calvert the colored people own 2 few Churches.  If we could get them to open there & find places for teachers to board I am sure we can rely on Societie to send Teachers.  I expect to turn all Society Teachers out of Washington at the end of this scholastic year.  They will then be free to do more in the County.  Let us try to keep them in our District.

Very respectfully
John Kimball 
Supt of Schools

P. S.  I will go with you on our tramp thro} your field, if we can thus do good. 