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Sept. 11th  [[7?]]

Capt. A.A. Saurenee


I am directed by Rev. John Kimball, Supt. of Schools, to forward you the enclosed copy of a letter from Mr. Janney in reference to the filling up of Deeds. Mr. Kimball is away on leave of absence and will not return till the 24th inst. He was expecting Mr. Janney would propose some general form, that would be applicable in all cases, by which the deeds could be filled out without the aid of an attorney. I have just received a note from him instructing me to forward you a copy of the letter with two Blank Deeds, and to send you more of the deeds when you apply for them.  He advises that one or two Union White men be put on the Board of Trustees if you can find them.

Very respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
[[signed]]J. L. Crosby[[/signed]]