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Oct 2d 7

Rev C W Sharpe
Dear Sir,
Gnl Howard orders me to say that he will aid in Charleston to the amount of $400.00 & to $500.00 rather than not have the house go up.  Raise all you can from the Colored people, as they do not pay much taxes.  I do not think the house will cost any such amount as is estimated.  Could it not be built & used one season without plastering. Our way is to put rough boards on the outside.  In Madden Township the General will help to the amount of $300.00 in each place where you think there should be a House if in that wayone can be built.  A little over $400.00 pays for lumber & building a House in Maryland, 20 x 32 ft and that is when lumber is bought in Washington where it is probably higher than with you.  This does not include plastering.