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Washington DC.
Nov 2d 1867.

Friend Janny,
Miss Baker N Y Friends, writes me that [[strikethrough]] she [[/strikethrough]] they cannot keep up the school at St Josephs' & cannot send Miss Howell to Leonardstown.  Have you a first class Teacher for St Josephs, (Colored) and White Teacher for Leonardtown.  Capt Lawrence tells me that the Colored people expect to pay the Board of all Teachers sent to St Mary's Co.   He will board the one at Leonardtown for $16.00 per month. The N Fork F Asso. will pay $20.00 per month for a Colored Teacher to St Joseph if you can send me one.

Vy resp
John Kimball
Supt of S.

Transcription Notes:
North Fork F =Friends (Quakers) Association