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[[pre-printed]] January 13 [[/pre-printed]]

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61  Excellent news today. The Col. (KGB) told me that my release from prison depended wholely upon how Kennedy reacted to the toast of K. on New Years eve. I certainly hope that Kennedy, in his speech on the twentieth, will come out very strong for good relations and easing the tensions in the world. [[circled]] Hope he repeates what he said during his campaign about apologizing for the flight etc. Potatoes for supper.  [[/circled]]

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[[pre-printed]] January 14  [[/pre-printed]]

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61 Found out today who Ivor Montague is. As we though he won the Lenin Peace Prize. He is also on the World Council of Peace and V.P. of British Peace Committee. Read an article of his condoning the US policies of Brinkmanship. What I can't understand is why he sent a greeting card to me. [[circled]] My only claim to fame is exactly opposite to his work. {{/circled]] Only walked once today - I fed one pigeon so much bread he could hardly walk and could not bend over to eat more. He was very comical. Potato salad for supper - didn't take any.

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