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Tampa Bay Fla. Jany. 14. 1850

Sub. Treasurer U. States
Nw. Orleans La.

Sir: I have received notice from the 2d. Auditor that $110.000 are to be placed in my hands for fulfilling treaties with Indians. I have received already a Treasry draft for $10.000 which I now send over by Major Brooks reg army

Having to transport & move so large an amount from place to place I have written to Washington for authority to draw it all in gold. Meantime I respectfully request that yo will please send the amount of the present draft in gold (by Maj. Brooks) and [[?]] oblige [[/?]]
I'm your obedt sevt
John C Casey
W.B. if gold cannot be provided please return me the draft.


Ft. Meade Fla. Jany 23. 1850


[[following numbers are underlined]]

1. All hogs ^[[cattle &c.]] brought in by Seminoles who come to emigrate will be bought by the U.S.

2. Officers on duty in Subs. Dept. will receive them and give to the owners certificates specifying the nos. of Animals the aggregate weight and the amount due. The price allowed being 5¢ a lb. nett weight. (Scrip not transferable).

3. This Pork will be issued to the Indians at the usual rate of 1 1/4 lb. to 100 rations.

4. Fresh Pork will also be issued to the troops should they desire it in lui of Fresh Beef - occasionally. but as this article is unhealthy [[strikethrough]] unless [[/strikethrough]] in quantities, unless slightly corned - It is reccommended that it be corned a few days before issue.

5. A Special Requisition [[/underline]] will be made on the Q. Msr. Dept. for small rations of corn to keep the hogs tame, say a quart a day each to be fed morning & evening. 

6. Should the quantity of fresh Pork exceed the demand, the surplus hogs will be driven into Tampa, and there sold at auction

7. After hogs have been bought A.C.S. may when they think it necessary pay Indian boys 25¢ a day for attending to them.

8.  A duplicate copy of each certificate is to be forwarded to the Special Agent at Tampa Bay. 
John C. Casey 
Chief C.S. & Special Agt Seminoles

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Tampa Bay, Florida. 
January 26. 1850


I have received the following Treasury Drafts payable to my order by the Assistant Treasurer Mr. S.M. York

No. 793 to No 795 [[?]] Warrants No 755 for $20.000 each.-$60.000

796 to   799 [[?]] Wt. "  " 10.000 = 40.000

And I herewith return them to the Treasury U. S. 

Your Old Servt.-
John C. Casey 
Capt. U.S.A. & Specl. Agt. Seminoles

Wm Selden Esq. }
Treasurer U. S.}


Tampa Bay Fla. Jany. 27. 1850


By the last mail I received from U.S. Treasurer Treasury Drafts payable by the Asst. Treasurer U.S. [[underlined]] Mr. York [[/underlined]] amounting to One hundred thousand Dlls. 
The money is required here and in gold, as early as possible and as these drafts can probably not be cashed in Nw. Orleans at this season. [[underlined]] at [[?]] [[/underlined]] I have requested Genl. Griggs to send an express with this communication.

I have to request that an officer or a Specl. Agt. may be sent on at once with the money and at Palatka he will find transportation and an escort to bring the funds across the peninsula.

Meantime the General will order the disbursing department her to turn over funds to me as far as they can.

Hon. Geo. W. Crawford}
Sectry. War. 

Very Respectfully 
Your Obd. Servt. 
John C. Casey
Capt. U.S.A. & Specl. Agent for
Seminoles, Fla.


Tampa Bay, Fla. Jany 27. 1850

Genl. R. Jones 
Adjt. Genl.


By the present express I forward to you letter for the Hon. Secty. of War. and the Treasurer U.S.