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Lt. Col. Wm/" R. Lovett}     Very respectfully
Comdg. N. Orleans      }     Your Obt. Servt.
          La.          }      John C. Casey
                            Capt. + chf. C.S.

Tampa Bay Fla.
Feby 24.1850


I have the honour to report that Maj. Markland, the Special Agent arrived here yesterday- having made great dispatch. He has delivered to me one hundred thousand dollars, being funds for fulfilling treaties with Indians, and I have given him duplicate receipts therefor. dated yesterday.

These funds have arrived just in time to meet the payment of the first party of Indians, consisting of 75 to 80 of all ages and both sexes.

Major Markland will return to Washington by first opportunity probably having  here on 27th instant.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
John C. Casey
Capt. Specl/" Agent

Hon. Orlando Brown}
 Com. Ind. Affairs}

Tampa Bay Fla. Mar. 1.'50


I have the honour to report that yesterday I paid[[strikethrough]] ed [[/strikethrough]] off and shipped for N. Orleans barracks a small party of

Seminoles - 74
Men 19. women 22. boys 14. girls 19.(33) - 74

The amt. paid was          
Migration Money - $15.000
For Stock bro't in - [underlined]]953[/underlined]]
[[total]] - $15.953
Being at the rate of $212.50/100 a head.

From the best data, I think the whole amount to be paid will not much exceed $150.000

I venture to suggest that the Supertd. West be ordered to make arrangements for subsisting these Indians from the date of their arrival at their new homes for 12 months if it has not already been done.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt. John C. Casey
Capt. Spcl. Agt.
Hon. Geo. W. Crawford Secty War.

Your Obt Sert John C. Casey Capt. Spcl. Agt. 

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Fort Hames Feby 25. 1850

Dear Major.

I am here waiting those who are [[underlined]] on route [[/underlined]] John Philips Yahola. tc tc...13 as Kapitsachee wishes to have them out with him and I want to get them off. An express left here at 8 this evening to the officer in charge urging him to hasten his march hither. the party here seem [[strike]] C [[/strike]] confident and contented - Inform the General that I  shall wait for them unless I hear by the return express they are not coming - now. Kapiktsachee informs me that Chitto Hajo. Osanna Hajo. Sanafuhlitsee, 3 Mikkasookers, with five women and three children have probably gone to the [[strikethrough]] Suwannee River [[/strikethrough]] big Hammocl on the night bank of the Suwannee River near its mouth expecting to dodge observation and remain there unknown. It is better not to follow them at present, as the best success would be to kill two or three men and the others would retaliate on the settlers and carry the war down below, after a time they will be off their guard, when all may be caught with the aid & advice of C.F. Chopko whose sister and cousin are with them. [[underlined]] Sam [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Cotsa [[/underlined]] Hajo his nephew with 9 others (5 Mikkasookees and 4 Seminoles) are off to the everglades

Truly Yours
John C. Casey

Bvt. Maj. W.W. Mckall}
Asst. Adjt. Genl     }

Fort Hamer Feby 25. 1850-


I am here with the Bt. Col. Clay reddy to pay and carry emigrating Indians to the Steamer Fashion now anchored at the mouth of this river and ready to sail for N. Orleans please bring your party here with all possible dispatch and send ^[[word]] by return express when I may expect you have also a [[?]] of who is coming. Ask Comdg. Officers on the way to give you all the aid in their power to hasten your march, an escort wagons &c.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
John C. Casey
Capt. & Specl. Agent

To Officer in charge of                                   }
emigrating party now [[underline]] en route [[/underline]]}
for Ft. Hamer. Fla.                                       }

Ft. Hamer. (Manatee) Fla.
Feby 26. 1850


I have to request that you will comply with the requisitions [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]]