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Fort Myers Caloosa Hatchee Fla.
May 31. 1850


Should the Seminoles [[underlined]] Fuss Hajo[[/underlined]] and his son [[underlined]] Nokor Hajo [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Ninnee Homahta [[/underlined]] come in to this post together you will seize them and iron them securely, and notify the Chief that it is done by my order, and because they forcibly abducted the family of [[underlined]] Takosa Tentanakkee [[/underlined]] from this place on the 28-9th inst. [[?]] in violation of the pledge of the Chief that no opposition should be made to those disposed to emigrate as well as the order of the United States govt. 

Please show this order to the Comad. officer and apply for the necessary force at the proper time.

Very respectfully Yr ob ser
John C. Casey
[[underline]] Capt. [[? illegible]]

Lt. T.K. Walbridge USA}
on Ind. Duty          }

P.S. If possible, arrest [[underline]] Assunwah [[/underline]] at the same time, for issuing broken days & sending for the Agt. to attend Council on May 30, when he knew there was to be no such Council.  J.C.C.

Tampa Bay, Fla. June 2. 1850


After remaining at Ft. Myers from the 21 May until June 1, I have returned to this Post. During my visit I saw neither [[underline]] Bowlegs [[/underline]] nor [[underline]] Assunwah [[/underline]]. I saw and talked with several of the subchiefs & a number of warriors, and from all that I could gather there are very few who do not profess to prefer a [[war?]] if [[necessary?]] to emigration.  [Tukare? Turtamahkee?]] and family (8 in all) came in & accompanied me to this place on their way to Arkansas.  [[underlined]] He knows of [[/underlined]] but one other man who has exhibited an intention to emigrate.

One other man offered to come in, but I advised him to go out again and try to bring ion his son.

The [[supply? of powder?]] among them is small, and they have very little lead, according to the [[best? subject? matter?]] that can be obtained.

I sdo not apprehend any [[hostile? act? unless?]] they can see a chance of securing ammunition by it.

[[Yours?> truly?]]
[[? ? ?]]
[[Maj? Gen?]]}
[[? ?]]      }
[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Tampa Bay, Fla, June 6 1850

Lt. Walbridge,

A large part of the forces (7th Infy) is ordered out of Florida & the General and I leave for Washington on Thursday 13th. via Palatha

Under these circumstances, it is deemed proper to abandon the [[?]]d of offending Chief heretofore ordered, and accordingly if, on receipt of this, you have not arrested [[underlined]] [[Assumal? Fuss? Hajo?]] [[/underlined]] &c &cc you will not do so.

Keep up free intercourse by allowing trade in all but munitions of war, and aid the Delegation as far as you can until they close their [[underlined]][[Cabon?]][[/underlined]]

Report their doings & plans by return mail.

Very Truly Yours
John C. Casey
Spl. Agnt

[[Lt. Th. Walton? Ob.?]]}
[[? ? ? ?]]             }
Ft Myers Fla            }

Tampa Bay, Florida June 9. 1850

Lt T. K. Walbridge,
During my absence you will act as Agent for the Florida Indians - of course [[under?]] the orders & direction of the officer [[com? of.?]] the troops in Fla (Col.[[ J Dimisk?/?]].

The [[transfer?]] policy will be continued until otherwise directed by the post and you will do all in your power to keep up friendly intercourse with the Indians & to increase their confidence in us.  With this view allow the trade in all but munitions of war to continue.

Impress on Bowlegs that as he desires to prolong the peace he must not interfere with those disposed to come in for emigration.  He promised non interference, to us, in February.

Require the Chiefs to keep their people within the old boundary.

Should any runaway [[negroes?]] escape in to the nation you may pay the Indians $5 a head for delivering them up.  I presume they will, as heretofore, permanently surrender them.

Whenever there is a Council called by the [[Genl? Com? Of?]] in Fla by yourself or by request of the Hd Chief you will issue rations to those invited for 3 [[w?]] days before and after the [[strikethrough]]Council[[/strikethrough]] ^[[times]] & carefully stop the trade in whisey before the Council.

I leave in charge of the [[Qr? Mast?]] here all the funds & Inda. goods belonging to the Agency.  Should you require