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money for paying emigrating Indians or other purposes take it out of the iron chest in presence of the Qtr. Mast. and another com. officer & let them write up receipts for the amt. stating, on the receipt, for what purpose the money is taken, and place yr receipt in the iron chest. 

Each woman & child is entitled to one blanket & one dress. I leave a menu of the Indian goods on hand. 
The [[?]] Sampson & Esu? Philip are important as being also guides. 
The Indian [[underline]] Charlie [[/underline]] understands English sufficiently well to act as Intptr. at Ft Jupiter Island (Measey) and after the Delegation goes let him be stationed there & pay him $15 a month & a ration for him and his wife. he will be an important guide for So. Florida.
Please also to communicate with me during my absence under cover to Gen. [[?]] My dup. papers (in this incident) will show you all the forms. 
I send you some stationery for your use.
Complete the Master Recd [[?]] Indians as you can obtain authentic lists
Your acquaintance with the Immok? Indians renders any more detailed Instructions unnecessary
Very [[?]] 
Capt & Sp.agt.

Tampa Fla June 13. 1850

Lt. T.K. Walbridge,
Gen. Griggs promised the Delegation $100= a head for every man they might bring in.
No notice has been given to the Seminoles here of a deduction ( of 100) from their $500. You will therefore make no deduction until otherwise ordered. JCCasey sp. agent
P.S. Pay the delegation $100, of course, as promised. JCC

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[[margin]] This message was received by me (from the Presidt) through Gen. DE Triggs Com of W. Div. at Washington, DC. on Saturday afternoon July 6. 1850 - John C. Casey Capt. [[/margin]]

Washingon, DC July 8. 1850


On receipt of this letter please call a council of the head men of the Seminoles to meet you at an early day. Let them know I have seen the Presidt. and have agreed to talk for them which I send herewith to you to read to them- 
x     x     x    x 

Wash. DC. July 8. 1850
To Holahtta Mikko, Appai-akkee and the Head men and warriors of the Seminoles in Florida

The President directs me to say to you that he has been told of all that you have said and done since the late troubles

He thinks that it is now your interest to remove to the West and he hopes that you may yourselves feel that it is so. But the arrangements made with you by Gen. Worth allowed you to remain while you were peaceable.

You preserved that peace until last year when a few men broke it, but as you gave up the murderers to justice, he will regard the peace as still good.

While he (Gen. Taylor) is President he will not order force to remove you, if you preserve peace and keep within your boundaries, and he directs you to remove all your people South of the new Boundary arranged between your HeadChief & the Agent at CaloosaHatchie (onn April 12. 1850) viz:
From near mouth of Pea river round the northern edge of the Big Prairie (Hi-ok-po thlokke) to the South end of Lake Istphoya & thence down the creek to Kissimmee r. and South as before thro' Okeechobee to Shark river.

While the President is just and kind to the Florida Seminoles, he will expect & require them to prevent any outrages being committed by any of their young men. For the present he continues the offer heretofore made- to enable those disposed to emigrate to make themselves comfortable at their new homes, and he expects that all such families as desire to come in at any time, will not be intercepted by the chief or others who choose to remain themselves. 
John C. Casey Capt & S. Agent