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Washington DC July 9. 1850

Col. I. Dimick Com OP.}
Hd. Qu. Tampa Bay Florida}

I have the honor to inform you that I have recd. Orders from the War Dept. through Maj. Gen. Triggs to make the following communication to the Florida Seminoles.

x   x   [Substance of briefing talk] x  x  x
          x    x     x      x

I send, by this mail, instructions to direct Walbridge (A. A[[?]]) to make the communication to the Chief & Headmen at an early date - after the departure of the Delegation

Until my return to Florida please address me under cover to the C.G.S. should you wish to write

Very respfly yur obl. serv.
JCCasey sp agt Fla Ind

Copy of [[underlined]] J. Bryan's Proposal[[/underlined]] Submitted
to me by Mr. Crawford Secty of War on 
[[double underlined]] Monday July 8. 1850 Washington DC. [[/double underlined]]

Proposals for removing the Seminoles (Indians) now in Florida through the influence & [[?insertion/exertion?]] of the Creek Nation of Indians

1. The government to be bound to pay to the Indian immigrants the amount, [[underlined]] per capita [[/underlined]] offered to them by Maj. Genl. Triggs by authority of the government.

2. As soon as the Assnt of the U. States shall inform the War Dept. that the company of Creek ( say 300 of them) are ready to embark for Florida there shall be placed in his hands the sum of thirty thousand Dolls. (30.000) to defray the expenses of the Delegation to Florida.
Rations to be likewise furnished to the del. while in Florida.

3. If the whole nu. of Indians now in Florida are removed thro' the agency of the delegation, the govt shall pay to the Creek ammt to be distributed according to agreement made with the delegation the sum of $170.000=

4. If only a portion of the Indians are removed then the government shall pay to the ammt aforesaid

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to be distributed as in the proceeding article in proportion to the nu. removed reckoning the whole no now in Florida at 650.

5. The Govt to give leave of absence to the Creek & Seminole Agents or either of them for the necessary time if required by the delegation and to pay the necessary expenses of said agents. 
6. If the delegation succeeds in removing the whole no. of Indians now in Florida, the govt. shall pay to the Creek Nation of Indians, to be divided [[underlined]] per capita [[/underlined]] the further sum of $30.000=

7. In addition to the forgoing the govt. [[strikethrough]] shall [[/strikethrough]] to furnish steamboat conveyance to and from New Orleans and from some point on the coast of Florida most convenient for the emigrant Seminoles.

____________________ Finn's____________________
                  note by Genl. Triggs

I have read your proposal. If the Indians
are removed for the amount you ask it will be cheap & money well laid out
signed D. E. Triggs

Washington July 14. 1850

Dr Walbridge,
I recv. yrs of June 28 this morning with your receipts for funds $1620 75/100. The dupl. copy of your receipt is, I suppose, filed with my dupl. papers in the iron chest at Tampa Bay.

Should [[underlined]] Bowlegs [[/underlined]] bring in a party of warriors and their families for emigration you will pay him a premium, 
say $1000= extra for 10 men
     2000  "      "  20     and so on [[underlined]] up [[/underlined]] to [[underline]] any [[/underlined]] number & [[underlined]] down [[/underline]] to 10, or, a [[underlined]] per capita [[/underlined]] at & over 10 of $100=

In addition to this inducement you will pay the principal subchief a bonus each whenever they can bring in their people.

If the whole nation will go - pay Bowlegs $8.000 Sam Jones $6.000= Assunuwah $5.000- Emathlee $2.000= Fuss Hajo $2000= Seneha Thlowhachee 1.300- Horthlowahloochee, Nokosee Emathla, Ciho Emathla Chepko, Cotsa Chephee, & a few others $300 each extra and Cotsa Hajo & C. Tustanukkee or both $1000 to 1.500 each
This scale will guide you for partial emigration