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conversant with all the circumstances as I am?

My acquaintance with him does not justify me in writing to him unofficially and the present case is one of the very few which should be submitted, except officially.

With much [[?]]


P.S. (private)

XXX XXX perhaps it would be well after conversing with [[?]] to read parts (of this letter) or show him all of it, should he seem to desire it

Whether you deem it proper to feel [[underline]] Mr. Fillmore [[/underline]] or not, I leave to yr judgement. While these Indians are quiet, they are as nothing, but a war with them is, as we know already, a vast business in money & men.

To keep them quiet is my duty & I am glad to make any effort or run any risk in doing so, but it must be in doing what [[underline]] I [[/underline]] is right. My position is entirely voluntary, for my health will excuse me from doing [[underline]] any [[/underline]] duty, but I would rather die in harness, if pulling in the right direction. I care not for all the advise that may be called up & laid on me by a mistaken public, but I can not sacrifice my commission & [[?]] them unsure of the fort in a voluntary effort to save the admin from another Florida war - when there is time for me to know their views as there is war. 
I desire yr assistance in this affair Smith or Mr A Early or [[?]] or Mclennard must write to me a semioffic ial letter to the effect that the Adm. will sustaini me in enforcing necessary justice in the present case  I should feel more [[?]] in being ahead - x x x This [[?]] is not evential. 

In a short time the murder of the boy will be notorious