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Tampa Bay Fla. Mar 16/51

Aaron Jernigan
Jernigan P.O. Fla.

Sir, this morning's mail bro't me yr. letter of Mar 12th. inquiring about a mare poney recd. from the Indians by me & advertised in St Augustine newspaper

As desired by you Mr. Lowry the mail rider accompanied me to see the mare in question, ad I am sorry to say it is not yours.

He will describe her to you - a dark brown nearly black - long body - slender limbs & & I am informed that she was the property of Mr. Stone of Indian [[?]] to whom a colt (3 yr old) recd with [[?]] & said to be hers also, also belong.

I shall not be signing for yr poney described to me by Mr Lowry & if I see he is in possession of the Indian shall claim her for you.

Respectfully [[?]]
J C Casey S P A.

Tampa Bay Florida  March 25. 185[[7?]]

David Stone
Mandarin Fla

D Sir, I recd. yr. letter of Mar. 14, with blank [[dupl.?]] recpts:, yesterday

Mr. Aaron Jernigan wrote to me claiming the mare poney and referring me to Mr. Lowry the mail carrier for evidence.  Mr. L., on seeing the animal at once declared that it is not the one lost by Mr. Jernigan.

Your description of mare & colt are correct and the Indians reported to me that the poneys were known to Assunwah & his son Nokos Hajo, as yours.

I therefore have no hesitation in believing them to be yours & am glad to remit herewith the proceed of the sale.  I had them fed for a month or more before selling them & they bro't nearly double the sum they would have bee appraised at.

The mare sold for       $30.00
-   colt  -   for [[underlined]] 56.00 [[/underlined]]
Off of p.ct. [[?]] by Auctioneer [[underlined]] 6.00 [[/underlined]]
Balance remitted herein [[underlined]] 80.00 [[/underlined]]

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Yr recpts. I have filled up accordingly in presence of Gen Child U.S.A.

Please acknowledge the recpt. of this letter & money  Can you tell me who is the owner of the small mule bro't in with your animals.

Respectfully Yrs
J. C. Casey Sp Ind. Agt.

[[end letter]]

[[start letter]]

Ft Myers Fla
March 31. 1851

Hon. Luke Lea
Com Ind Affrs

I have the honor to transmit herewith my [[?]] for 2^d^ Q 1851
Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
John C Casey
Capt & [[?]] Ind Affr

[[end letter]]

[[start letter]]

Fort Myers Florida
April 18. 1851


I have the honor to report that I landed here on the 12th and on the 13th four of the principal Seminoles came to see me.

They reported all their people (except one man temporarily absent) as not only within the limits, but as living below the Caloosa Hatchee, and I have no reason to doubt their statement.

I then demanded the men who murdered the white boy last August.  The Chief (Bowlegs) said they would give them up, and would use all diligence in securing them, but, he added, "we expect you will punish these criminals, we arrest them at the hazard of our lives, and desire to see the law enforced and in presence of our young men".

I had no hesitation in promising that their lawgivers should execute them in the vicinity of this post & in my presence and finally that I would render all needful aid to the chiefs

With great respect
Your Obdt. Servt.
(signed) John C. Casey
Capt & Sp. Ind. Agt.

[[in brackets to the left of the page]]
Hon. C. M. Conrad
Secty. of War