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The claim was allowed by Hon J. Ewing Sec. Int: in this letter of Jany 10. 1850 to the then Secty of War, of which I include a copy marked "A".
    In your letter of February 3. 1851 in reply to mine of January 13. 1851, I am again given to understand that the accounts would be sanctioned, but a recent statement from the 2 [[superscript]] [[underline]] d [[/underline]] . [[/superscript]] auditor dated April 12. 1851 informs me that they are still suspended.
    He states that "Capt Casey was informed that a per diem would be "[[strikethrough]] ir [[/strikethrough]] granted to him when he shall indicate to the Dept. of the Interior the extent "of his daily expenses and their nature; or be allowed his actual expenses incurred "from day to day while engaged on the special duty committed to him. It does not "appear that Capt Casey has complied with the requirements of the Secretary of "the Interior".
    May I again ask you to procure the sanction of the Dpt: of the Interior to the vary [[sic]] limited charge that I have made* - not of my actual personal expenses from day to day - but of a part of my extra expenses incured [[sic]] by doing this duty.
    The nature of the expenses will be sufficiently indicated by the fact that during all the period I have been travelling about on this duty (except during intervals-) that  I travelled to Washington & back & was kept waiting two months - that my health has been so delicate that I could never travel without a servant and other extra expenses. While I never drew from the I. In. Dept travelling expenses for my servant, nor any of the usual commutation allowances to which an officer is entitled when on duty and not at a Post.
You will oblige me by an early decision on this claim.
Most respectfully, Your Obedt. Sert.
John C Casey
Capt. & Specl. Ind. Agt.
*2dolls p.o. while on this duty

Hon C. M. Conrad
Secty. of War

Ft Myer Florida
May 1. 1850

Lieut. Leverett A.A.A.M.,
    The Indians are turned over to the Dept. of the Int and I only await the arrival of a civil agent to relinquish my duties here. As my health is suffering from my residence here, I desire to return, to Ft Brooke as early as possible and have therefore to request that if no other vessel in sent down you will, if possible send the Star (Ellen Ward) for me between the 10th & 13th - say to leave Tampa after arrival of mail of 11th.
  Please inform me by first chance when I may expect

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transportation, and if you can furnish none, please to inform Mr Mckay that he may provide for my conveyance hence.
I send part of my baggage by present trip of Star to Dr Flian [[?]]
I also expect to have 2 or 3 Indian prisoners to take up with me, but this is not [[underline]] certain [[/underline]].
very respectfully
obed serv
JC Casey Capt. US.

Fort Myers Florida
May 2. 1851

   I transmit herewith my Property accounts for 1. The 1st & 2d quarters 1850 which I request will be transmitted to the 2d Auditor as soon as my be and 
  2. The period from July 1. 1850 to March 31. 1851 being 3 Quarters.
    The Iron Chest which I received from Maj Morris was a very poor one, and has not been serviceable since the storm of 25. Sept. 1851 when it was exposed by the storm and ruined. I have had to borrow a large iron safe from the [[?]] War Dept of the Army to keep the Indian funds in, and as this office is now transfered to the Dept of the Interior it might be well to get the sanction of the Quarter Master General for the Agent to retain this safe for the present.
Most respectfully
Your Obedt. Servt
(signed)  John C Casey
Capt. & Sp Ind. Agt.

Atn L. Len [[?]]
Com: Ind Affairs

Fort Myers Florida
May 2. 1851

    I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of April 12, 1851 with a statement of differences on settlement of my accounts in the Indian Department.
2d [[strikethrough]] Oct [[/strikethrough]] Qr. 1850
V08 Clark & Furni - 01 charge - .75ยข
I will credit the U.S. on my next Ap let.
V0 6 Ben - not receipted . . $105.00