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"as they pretend to have law among them - He thanks them for helping him to catch them, but that was doing very little for the Law - They have failed in their promises to him"

You will find me at Tampa Bay on your arrival
Very truly yrs
(signed) J. C. Casey
Sp. Agent

[[in brackets to the left of the page]
Lt. Walbridge
On Ind. Duty
Ft. Myers


Ft Myers Florida
May 15. 1851


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of this date, notifying me that you are appointed "Special Agent" to relieve me from the charge of Florida Indians.

I shall be ready to transfer the duty to you on, or before, the 1^st^ of June, and shall, with pleasure, give you all the information in my possession in relation to the duties of this Agency

During my absence Lt. Walbridge will act for me 

Very respectfully
Yr Ob Sevt
J C Casey
Capt & Sp. Agent

Luther Blake Esq
Spec. Ind. Agent

Ft Myer Florida
May 15. 1851


I have the honor to inform you that under the order of the War Dept, I shall on or before June 1 transfer the duties & responsibilities of this Agency to [[underlined]] Mr. Luther Blake [[/underlined]] who is appointed  by the Com^r^ Ind. Affairs to relieve me - as he informs me 

In my absence Lt Walbridge will act for me having detailed instructions.

Very respectfully
Yr Obdt Servt
J C Casey
Capt & Sp. Agent

[[in brackets to the left of the page]]
[[?]] Winder
Sp. Agent

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Fort Brooke Fla.
May 20. 1851


    In August (6th) 1850 a white boy named [[underline]] David Hubbard [[/underline]] was swiped from the settlement in the forks of the Withlokkoochee and I was ordered by the President of the U. States to investigate the matter, and, if satisfied that the Indians had taken him, to use all means to recover him, if alive, and to demand the murderers if he had been killed. 
    Having become satisfied that the boy had been taken and killed by the Indians, I finally demanded the surrender of all concerned, when the Chiefs at once agreed to arrest and secure the criminals as soon as possible. With the assistance of the council, I have secured three Indians who have been designated to me by the General council of the Seminoles as the murderers. They are named

1 Pahosee aged about 50
2 Ista-shok-see-hoh'-kee " [[standing for 'aged about']] 18 son of No. 1
& 3 Cotsa Hajo  " [[standing for 'aged about']] 19

    I now have the honor to deliver them to you. - the civil authority- by order of the Secretary of War

    They are given up by the General Council as murderers to punish according to our Laws. and this fact is the best, if not indeed the only testimony that can be procured in cases of this kind

Most respectfully your
Obedt Servt
(signed) John C. Casey
Capt U.S. Army
and Special Agent Florida Indians

Simon Truman Esq
J.P ofc Hillsboro Co.

Tampa Bay Florida 
May 20th 1851

    I have the honor to report that on the 17th I caused to be arrested at Fort Myers three Indians, designated to me by the Indian Council as the murderers of the boy [[underline]] Daniel Hubbard [[/underline]] in August last, and they have today been delivered over to the civil authority of this county.
    On completing this duty I transferred the duties of the Agency to Mr. Luther Blake who satisfied me that he was