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Tampa Bay Florida
June 5. 1851

Luke Lea
Comr^ Ind Affs^

I have this day received your communication of May 23d.

My infirm state of health (consumption) compels me to remain in Florida, and, so long as I am able, I have, of course, no objections to receive and disburse money for the Indian Department.

   Messrs. Blake & Bowman left on 23^d^ May for Arkansas.  They did not require any funds prior to their departure. 
  During their absence the commanding officer at Fort Myers will regulate intercourse and trade with the Indians, and, I am happy to be able to inform you that they are in better subjection than I have known them since 1834.

   As my active duties in your department have now ceased, I beg leave to ask your influence with the Hon. Secty. of the Interior, to procure his sanction to the charge which I made for my extra expenses.

   During the period that I was Agent I charged [[underline]] Two Dollars a day [[/underline]] for my extra expenses, and until lately supposed that it was approved of, but it appears that from my omission to report the amount to the former secretary (Mr. Ewing) the account has been suspended.

I believe it is as small a charge as ever was made under like circumstances, as I know that I have been very economical and the charge is for actual extra expense.

I inclose copies of the original decisions of the Dept. of War & Interior; and, for your information, have now to state in explanation - that during the whole time that I have done this duty, I have, except when confined by sickness or occasionally resting, been travelling about this country on business. that my feeble health required me to take a servant with me, and as many comforts as could be procured & other expenses were all extra  That I have had to travel in like manner to Washington & back, and 

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wait three months, during which (time) journey I never charged for travelling expenses of servant or any of the usual allowances made to officers on duty except the 10ยข per mile for myself-
Will you give yr attention to this matter as early as convenient & oblige.
Sir Yr very obedt servt
John C. Casey
Capt USA

Enclosed are copies of 
Letter from Dept. Int. (T. Ewing) to Secty War (EW Crawford) dated Janry 10. 1850-
Report of Com "Ind" Affrs. (Orlando Brown) on the claim dated Janry 7. 1850
Letter from Secty War to Capt Casey dated Janry 14. 1850.  and the following

Note: "Under the above authority to charge a [[underline]] per diem [[/underline]] I have chaged $2= and as that sums was the [[underline]] minimum [[/underline]] charged formerly when a per diem was sanctioned, which my necessary expenses were probably greater than usual, I did not refer the amt. to the Secretary of Interior for his sanction-& now have to do so thro the Com "Ind" Affrs

JC Casey
Capt USA

Tampa Bay Florida
July 3d. 1851

Hon. Luke Lea
Com. "Ind" Affrs

   I transmit herewith my Account Current and Property Return for 2d. Quarter 1851 and have the honor to be 
Very respectfully
Your Obedt. Servt
John C. Casey
Capt. USA