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Tampa Bay Fla. July 20/51

Mr. R. Bullock
Ocalla Fla

Sir, Lt: Everett has referred to me your letter of the 14th.

The poneys delivered up to me [[?]] were the property of Mr. David Stone of Mandarin, formerly of Ind. river.

The mule has not yet been identified, but Mr. W. H. Russel of Ind. river has claimed her as the property of a Mr. Crawford.

Will you please to say to Mrs. Barker that if the animal belonged to her late husband, I wish she would send me a description with an affidavit - or, other evidence.  As this animal is very distinctly marked or banded there can be no difficulty in identifying it.  Already there have been several claimants, but their descriptions do not in any respect correspond with it.  

The Indians say it came from Cape Florida & hence it is probably the property of Mr. Duke or Mr. English.  It sold for about $35.00

Very respectfully 
Yr obt
John C. Casey
Capt Sp. Ind Agt.


Tampa Bay Florida
July 23. 1851

I have, at the request of Col. Winder, the Comdg: off at Ft Myers, engaged & sent to him, an interpreter.  

I agreed to pay him $30= a month for his services & have to request your sanction & authority to pay him from the Ind^n^ funds in my possession.

Very respectfully
Your Obedt Servt
John C Casey
Capt U.S.A.

[[in bracket to the left of the page]]
Hon Luke Lea
Com^r^ Ind^n^ Aff^r^
Dept. Int

[[end of page]]
[[start of page]]

Tampa Bay Fla.
July 30. 1851

Mrs Martha M Wright,
Key West Florida,

I recd. yr. letter of the 18th today & hasten to reply. The estray mule answers to yr description as far as you describe it.  The letters branded are [[underline]] A [[/underline]] on the left hip, and P on left cheek & in other points as you mention.

As there are several claimants - please to make an affidavit that you owned and lost such an animal - describing fully & get some person to certify to their belief that the mule was yours - [[?]] & I shall be happy to remit to you the proceed of the sale $35 [[?]]

If the animal was yours - forward with the affidavit, dupl. recpts. for the money & tell me exactly how to forward it.

Very respectfully
Yr ob
J C Casey


Tampa Bay Florida
October 9. 1851

Hon Luke Lea
Com^r^ Ind^n^ Aff^r^

I have the honor to transmit herewith my money and property accounts for the 3^d^ Quarter 1851 - in the Indian dept. 

Very respectfully
Your Obedt Sevt
John C. Casey
Capt U.S.A.