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Tampa Bay,Fla
Nov. 3, 1851

W.C. Maloney Esq
U.S. Marshall Key West,
   Sir, this morning I recd: your letter of Oct. 11 with the papers relating to an stray mule, surrendered to me by the Seminoles, and claimed by Mrs. Martha Wright formerly of New River.
    Being perfectly satisfied of the justice of the claim I am happy to remit thro' you the proceeds of the public sale of the animal -$35 75/100 - which amount is herewith inclosed - for Mrs. Wright.
    Please express to Mrs. W. my regret that I could not forward the money before, as the mule was claimed by others - especially by a Mr. Russell of Indian R. 
Hence the necessity of the evidence which she has forwarded.

Most respectfully
Your obedt servt
John C. Casey
Capt. U.S.A.

Tampa Bay Florida
January 4. 1852

Hon Luke Lea
Com "Ind" Aff"

    Sir, I have the honor to transmit herewith my money & property accounts for the 4th Quarter of 1851.
    No disbursements were made during that quarter as I have not yet recd. the accounts for hire of an Interpreter during part of last year. (about $195=)

Very resptfly
Your Obedt Servt
John C. Casey
Capt USA

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Tampa Florida 
January 20. 1852

Mr A. Jernigan
Tampa Fla

    In reply to yours of the 6th I have to inform you that I never heard before that anyone expected an indian outbreak at the end of this month. There is no information here on the subject. Col. Winder Comdr at Ft Myers acting In agent until the arrival of the contractor Gen Blake of Ala. who is daily expected.
Very respectfully
JCCasey Capat USA

Tampa Bay Florida 
March 12. 1852

    I recd. yr. notes of Feb 12 & Mar 7 & with the latter, Sampson's certified accounts, which I shall adjust.
    I will settle with McKay for the Btl Whiskey. Please to have an account made out against the Indian Dept. for any other articles you may have given the Indians from the Trader's Store, a tobacco etc etc and certify to it & tell McKay to present it to me for settlement.

Very respectfully
Yr obedt servt
JC Casey Capt USA

Col Winder
Ft Myers Fla

Tampa Florida
April 26. 1852

Hon. Luke Lea,

    Sir, I have the honor to transmit herewith my Account Current and Property Return, with necessary vouchers & abstracts, for the 1st Quarter 1852. In compliance with yr Instructions of last yr. I have deliv to L. Blake the sum of $3.000 of the Ind funds-

Most respectfully 
Your obedt servt
John C. Casey. Capt USA

[[strikethrough]] P.S. The prospects of removing the Seminoles are not favorable as the Contractors have, I believe, not yet even seen any chief or principal man of the Seminole Indians. [[/strikethrough]]