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Tampa Bay Fla
Decr 5. 1852

Hon L Lea
Com Ind Aff 

    I have the honor to transmit herewith my Account Current & vouchers, for part of 4th Q. 1852.

Very Resptly
JC Casey Capt US.A.

Tampa Fla Decr 5.1852
Com't & Sir,
    I submit herewith for your decision a copy of a [[underline]] voucher[[/underline]] which is suspended in my accounts at the Treasure for want of [[underline]] subvouchers [[/underline]]
    In Febry 1837 Mr. A. Smith was appointed an Agent of the War Dept. & directed to report to me in person for Indian duty
The accompanying copy of a letter from [[Gen?]] Coma d Sec war directs me to pay his expenses. 
    The suspended vou (No 2  1st Oct 1837)  is for those expenses. Mr Smith had taken no subvouchers on the road, but on examination & sanction of the bill was fully as good a check for the  treasury as subvoucher would be.

May I request that you will submit  this vou:r & letter to the Sec. War if it can not be otherwise passed to my audit.
I have twice written  to Mr Smith for sub:vou r  or his assistant, and have recd. no answer, nor do I know whether he is [[?]] [[living?]] or not

[[signed]] JC Casey]]
Capt USA
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Tampa Bay Florida
December 18.1852

Col. [[J?]] Cooper A.G..

Sir, I have the honor to acknowledge your communication of Decr 7. informing me that my application for a Court of Inquiry had been refused as "unnecessary", and I could not but have been satisfied with the reasons assigned  therefor, had the order of November 1st been rescinded.

I am also informed that the order, which requirs me "to leave Florida was not intended as a censure upon him (me) but to remove all pretexts on the part of the  Contractor or his Agents, by whom the complaint was [[preferred?]], that their operations had been retarded or embarrassed by any officer of the Govt." 

I must, respectfully, protest against an order banishing me from a particular State, without trial or [[even?]] suspicion of crime, or intention to censure me, but only "to remove all pretexts on  the part of the  Contractor or his Agents xxx that their operation had  been retarded or embarrassed by any officer of the Gov.t"

A pretext can never be wanting to calumny.
The order of Nov 1st which says that -- "Your (my) conduct in this matter meets the decided  disapprobation of the  "Dept." and that the Secty: therefore directs that  you leave Florida as soon as  practicable", has already  been made known to this community in which I live, and will soon be known to the whole army.

If it is considered [[the ??]] to continue that order in force, I have now to ask, as the least that in due  to me, that the remark of the Hon. Secty  of War on my application for a Court of Inquiry  may be made known, as widely as the order, or otherwise that my demands for  a Cert. of Inq y may  again be submitte to the proper authority.

Most resplly [[?]]
J.C. Casey
Capt. USA