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Philadelphia PA
August 16, 1853
Hon J.Davis Sec War

Sir, I have to request your instructions in relation to the Indian goods (blankets & calicos) left at Ft. Meyers by Luther Blake late Contractor Sp. Agent.
In 1849 these articles were bought, in anticipation of a general emigration, as presents for the emigrating Seminoles. They cost about $4.000=, and as the estimates of the no of Indians procured from the old traders (Kennedy & Co.) was too great, an excess of these articles was purchased.
   My repeated recommendation that a part of them should be taken for issue to the [[?]] Indians was disregarded, and all, except those issued by me to those who emigrated, and what may have been some issued by Mr. Blake, remain.
   I fear that but little care has been taken to preserve them, since I delivered them to Blake & Bowman in May 1851, for Lt. Walbridge reports to me from Ft. Myers under date of July 30. 1853 that "they are in very bad condition"
   No [[?]] in letter on the subject has been received from Mr. Blake
I defer ordering a survey or any action in this matter until I can receive your instructions.
Yr obedt servt
JC Casey Capt 
PS the goods are in charge of a citizen at Fort Myers.

Philadelphia Pa
Aug 20. 1853

Lt Walbridge Ft Meyers

   On Aug 8. I requested that $500 of the appropriations for removal Fla Ind might be remitted to you
Brg Gen [[?]] July 21/53 pag 2- xxx
Coupon to it - [[? Detain from Bank to Tampa 1176 Mile]]
[[? Ind. paid question refer to Lea ? - Survey any have been taken up?]]
Phil. Pa. Sept 15. Send "Instructions" to Sec of War-

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             (.Box 541 P.O.)
              Philadelphia Pa.
             Febor[[?]] 16.1853

    The letter from GBHale of Flachlon Fla[[?]] reporting the presence of 16 Indian[[?]]men in his neighborhood is herewith returned, and I have the honor to report that I have this day accepted here[[?]] on the subject.  If the report be true, it is not at all probable that the  Indians are from E. fla., but more likely to be  losak[[?]] from Arkansas or N. fla.   On hearing in a more authentic form from Mr. Hall I will take measures to secure them if they are Seminole [[?]] and otherwise, notify the Indian Dept-
      Mo Uppr Ill Sr I am
              JCeleakey Capt on JD

Led. HooperAt wfe.

  Gerald B. Hall Esq.   Phil. Pa. Sept.16. 1853

Stochton  fla:Defir.  My letter to the War Dept. reporting the appearance of the Indian (men)in yr. neighborhood, said to be from E. Fla:,has been referred to me.  Allow me to thank you for  yr. attention to this matter, and to request some further information.  You speak of visiting them to make inquiries te[[?]], and you will further the public interest if you can give me information about them from yr own observation.  Their namers & ages might enable me to identify them, if from E. Fla., as nearly all the Seminoles are known to me.  It is,however, not probable that such a party is from E. fla., but more likely to belereeh[[?]] or Seminole from Arkansas.
   I hope you may have found out that there are but a few-if any- arr[[?]] if so they may be from W. Florida

    please accept  Captleasey Ule[[?ternife Fla.[[?]]
Yr obnt[[?]]Neleases Capt lefa
       Phil Pa. Sept.[[?]]17,1853

Mr. Malbruoh 1[[?]]-  I referred the question of yr. letter of July 30, to the War Dept.& have today recd. Instructions.
  Enaneue[[?]] this [[underline]] new gerd[[?]] [[/underline]] left at Sgt Myer byLBlake leth Apr & lorpor[[?]] and request two officers to act as a Board of Linbey
Recpt. toBlake', Off. (MmDeocal[[?]]) for such as are serviceable noticing on yourrecpts. the degree of damage.