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Of course you will not receipt for such as are worthless.
Yr obedt servt
JC Casey
Capt. on Ind Duty

Hon Jefferson Davis

Sir, It has been suggested to me that during the coming winter, while I am engaged in reestablishing communications with the Fla Indians and persuading them to accept the offers of the Govt. a suitable person might be employed, with great advantage to the public service, in preserving the confidence & good feeling of the people on our side of the boundary. 
There are always some people ready to provoke hostilities when opportunity offers, unless restrained by a wholesome public opinion, and the population is so [[?]] on the Fla. Frontier, that the measure purposed may be prefered and advisable. My own inability to devote my attention to this matter affords a reason for its adoption.
   I submit it to you without further remark as you can fully appreciate the object and can best prove of its propriety.
    Should you sanction it, Mr. Esclente of Ft. [[?]] has been likely recommended as fitted for the duty.
Mt respefly 
Yrs JC Casey
Capt USA

Phila, Pa. Sept. 27. 1853

Col. B.M. Dell
[[? Newnansville]] Fla. 
Sir, I have been again directed by the Gov. to attempt to remove peaceably the Indians remaining in Florida. The contract of Blake & co has been dismissed, and insttead of paying money to a contractor or agent to induce the Indians to go, this money will be offered to the Indians themselves.
   My present object is to ask you to give some one at Tampa Bay proper authority to sell yr. [[?]] in case Bowlegs should come in to emigrate. A regular Bill of 

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 Sale would probably be the best form, and support for Getter Esq of Tampa Notary Public as a suitable person
   I have reason to believe that a negro girl belonging to you was sent to Arkansas with the family of [[underline]] Sam -Jones [[/underline]] in 1850-1 (named [[? Lily]] or Libby) - while I had charge of the Indians
   Please do send me yr. affidavit as to the ownership of such negro - her age - when captured - &c &c and her value as I desire if possible to settle these matters without giving you the trouble to petition Congress.
   I never heard, before she had gone, that you had any negroes living with the Indians, but [[underline]] [[? Toney]], [[/underline]] and only learned otherwise from [[? Toney ]] himself. 
   Address me fully on these matters at Tampa Bay where I hope to be before the end of October.
JC Casey Capt USA

Philadelphia, Pa.
September 30. 1853

Hon Jefferson DAvis,
Secty of War
I have to request that the sum of [[underline]] Three Thousand Dollars [[/underline]] ($3000=) of the appropriation for removing the Fla. Indian may be remitted to Lieut. T.K. Walbridge USA at Ft Myers Fla. (via Tampa)
   I must request that it may be remitted in (6) [[underline]] Treasure Drafts of $500= each, [[/underline]] without incurring the risk and expense of sending a person to NOrleans for it
[[underline]] Drafts or bullion preferred. [[/underline]]
Most respectfully
Your Obedt Servt
John C. Casey Capt. U.S.A.

Phil. Pa
Oct 1. 1853

Hon Jefferson Davis
Secty of War
Sir, I have the honor to acknowledge your letter of Sept 30. in relation to my claim for personal expenses while on Ind. Duty.
   My request for a [[underline]] per diem [[/underline]] was to avoid [[underline]] questionable accounts and certificates, [[/underline]] and I am still in doubt whether I am to charge my necessary and proper personal expenses while on this Duty, or what I may suppose would be the differnce