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To communicate freely with yr Excellency on this business and I earnestly hope that the State authorities may cordially co-operate with the efforts of the Civil govt- to remove these Indians - if possible - without another war

Mo resplly yr ts
[[signed]] J C Casey [[signed]] Capt A/C

Tampa Bay Oct. 30. 1853

Lt T. K. Walbridge

Ft. Meyer Fla. - recd. his of Oct 11- 24- 27- genl. directions - not to leave - station off. — name only persons as a messenger - [[entire line of names illegible]] - as no one else — Don't trust Eneha Yahela. 

I sent him my ham Ft a/c —  |$189.86
Fuel & [[?]] June to Oct. — 5 mos                              | $152.98
& a mecn. recpt. for [[underlined]] 
| 159.18 [[/underlined]]  --$500v= or
He to send me a Treasy. Dft for $500. — and on my sending him the sum of $159 18/100 — my mem: recpt to be discharged. — [[?]]

[[initials]] J. C. C.[[/initials]]


Tampa Bay Nov 2/53

Jeff Davis Sec War

Sir, I have to request that a Treasy Dft for [[underlined]]$20.000 [[/underlined]] on ass. of appropriation for removing the Florida Indians may be remitted to

Lt. John Gibbon usa at Norleans — in order that he may bring over to Ft. Myers that amount in specie on his return from [[?]] 

Mo respelly
Yr Ob sevt
[[signed]]J. C. Casey [[/signed]]

Tampa Bay November 2d 1853

Jeffn Davis Sec. War,

Sir, I have the the honor to forward herewith the Af Current for disbursements made on a/c if the removal of the Fla. Indians - during the 3d Quarter 1853, by Lieut John Gibbon & T. K. Walbridge

Mo replly
[[signed]] J.C. Casey [[/signed]]
Capt USA

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[[start page]]

Tampa Bay Florida Nov. 30 1853


On Qtr 2d I requested the Sec War to cause to be remitted to you at Norleans the sum of 

$20.000= Appn for remg Fla. Ind:
which money I desire you will bring over in the following form

Silver        | 3000
Eagle [[?]]   | 17000 -- $20.000

This letter is sent to the QM] in NO that you may get it on yr way here from Arkansas

I hope matters are not unfavorable for emigration just now — and that the money may all be required to pay Seminoles —

[[signed]]J. C. Casey [[/signed]] Capt USA

W. J.  Gibbons on spe Duty

Tampa Bay Florida
December 8, 1853

Dr Sir

I recd:, last night, yours of the 1st with an account for services, and  regret the necessety of altering the account

Mr. Yulee was authorized to say to you that if on your arrival here,[[underlined]] no [[/underlined]] Orange Co, there should be no employment for you, [[underlined]] your expenses only would be paid.[[/underlined]]

Your letter of October 27th speaking of your engagement as final, and stating that you did not hope to exercise any influence where Jernigan lived (Orange frontier ie[[?]]) was not recd: until Nov. 3d. and hence was not answered (as you desired) because my reply could not have left here before Monday the 7th the day fixed for your departure from Palatka.

Your subsequent detention by family affliction was, of course, unknown to me until sometime afterwards.

While I regret that there has been any misunderstanding,  I am in no degree responsible for it; and, under the circumstances, I have made the allowance as liberal as my sense of duty will permiut & hope it may prove satisfactory to you.

On return of the vouchersw I will direct Lt. Walbridge