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To pay them

Very respectfully
Your Obedt Svt:
(Signed) John C. Casey
Capt A.S.C.A.

Leo Center Esq.}
  St: Augustine}

Tampa Bay Florida
Dec 15 1853


I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy of the "agreement" or [[?]] offered to the Florida Indians in 1849-1850 and accepted by a part of them only. This agreement is refered to in my interactions of [[unreadable]] and I therefore forward a copy for reference.

On November 2d my assistant, Lt: Walbridge met a number of the chiefs and head men by appointment in the woods; and since then, small parties of two or three have frequently visited Fort Myers to talk. From their conduct and conversations I conclude that the older men and chiefs are opposed to emigration, but that the younger men & warriors are becoming more inclined to move, and I hope that, before long, a respectable party will come in for emigration. 

Since my arrival at this place I find that there is little or no disposition on the frontier to interface with the plans of the government and I consequently discharged Mr Center whose services were not required.

I enclose for your persual a copy of a letter from his Excellency the Govenor of Florida from which you will see that the Executive of the State is disposed to cooperate cordially with the W.S. in this business.

Most respectfully
Your Obdt: Servt:
[signed) Joh C. Casey
Capt:  U.S.A.

Tampa Bay Florida
December 17th 1853


The house which I occupy is, like the other public quarters here, much decayed, and I respectfully request your authority to make some necessary repair. The roof can be newly shingled, and a new fence erected to protect the premises from cattle etc

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for about Four hundred dollars ($400-)

Without these repairs the house will be ruined the next rainy season, with them it will be tenantable for 4 or 5 years. The expense will not exceed the commutation of my full and quarters for a year, and I submit for your decision whether it be not a proper expenditure from the Indian funds

Most respectfully
Your Obedt Servt
(signed) John C. Casey
Capt: U.S. Army

Hnble       }
Jeffn. Davis}
Secty of War}

Tampa Bay Fla.
Jany 2. 1853

Dear Sir,

I have recd. yr: letter of 7 Decr. last month with the description of your [[?]] negroes still among the Indians.

Since all trade with the Indians has been stopped they refuse to trouble themseves about runaways and say that our people may go after their own property.

It is hoped however that the stoppage of trade will before very long, force them in, when yr negros will be secured mean time I shall offer a very liberal reward to any Indian who will bring them in - said reward at the expense of the U.S.

Very respectfully
Yr obedt sert
[[signed]] J.C. Casey  [[signed]]

Jas. A. Yearborough
Concord Heker Co

P/S. I send you herewith the recpt. of the Indians for yr reward of $25. pd. him for bringing in one of [[?]]

Honble.      }
Jeffr. Davis }
Secty of War }


I have the honor to report that [[underlined]] Lieut. Gibbon [[/underlined]] with delegation of Ten Western Seminoles and one negro (interperter) from Arkansas arrived here on

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