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"all our people on our side of the Boundary and their people" on their side, we could best preserve perpetual peace" 

He was at once informed that the request could not be entertained an instant and that we should station the U.S. Troops and move them to any part of the country that we pleased. That this was our right in Indian territory, much more so here. 

I have no reason to think that they have succeeded in opening any more contraband trade.
Most respectfully
Your Obedt. servt.

[[signed]]J C Casey[[/signed]] Capt

PS. Lt Gibbon returned on 24th [[?]] having conducted this Delegation and small party of Seminoles to Arkansas

Tampa Bay Florida
July 12th. 1854


Since my report of July 5th I learn that on the 30th June the two Seminole negroes belonging to the [[underlined]] Chief Bowlegs [[/underlined]] visited Fort Myers, and, in  pursuance of my orders, were seized and secured as hostages for the delivery of the two fugitives who have been harbored and protected by said chief.

[[underlined]]Bowlegs [[/underlined]] was immediately informed of the cause of the arrest, and that his negroes would be released as soon as he surrendered the runaways. I apprehended no difficulty from this seizure, and believe it will cause the surrender of the fugitives.
It is fortunate that the opportunity for taking this step should have occured so soon after the late message from the indians asking for the removal of the troops from their country, as it affords a proper reply to such a demand, besides being, in my opinion, both polite and just. 

I have the honor to be
Most respectfully 
Your obt. Servt.
[[signed]]J C Casey [[/signed]]
In Chf  Fla 2nd

Hon. Jeff. Davis}
   Secty. of War}
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Tampa Bay Florida
July 26 1854


I have the honor to report that the Indians have surrendered one of the two runaways for whose security I took hostages as reported in my letter of the 12th July. They promise to bring in the other as soon as possible - say in a few days

They now express regret that they did not deliver them up before.

Most respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
(Signed) John C Casey
Capt. in Chg Ind. Affs in Fla

Hon. Jeffrey Davis}
  Secretary of War}

Tampa Bay Florida
July 26. 1854


On the 11th the inst. the Indians brought in to Fort Myers your negro man "Big Jerry" and I have this day delivered him to Mr L. Shanahan the Deputy Sheriff of this County. He is now lodged in Jail in the town of Tampa and subject to your order.

The Indians sent me word that they would seize and bring in[[underlilned]]"Titus"[[/underlined]] in a few days and I expect him up by next boat.

I hope you will take measures to conduct them safely out of this state and prevent them from rejoining the Indians.

Most respectfully
Your Obdt. Servt.
(Signed) John C Casey
Capt U.S.A. in chg Fla Ind. Affs.

James A Seaborough Esq}
    Concord-Calhoun Co}

Tampa Bay Florida
July 26 1854


My attention having been called to a fraudulent charge against the U.S. in the accounts of Luther Blake, while employed by the Department of the Interior, to remove the Indians from Florida. I deem it my duty to transmit, through the War Department, to the Accounting Officers of the Treasury the proper evidence

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