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Tampa Bay July 30 1854
Hon Jeffery Davis
Secty of War

Sir, I have the honor to transmit herewith the accounts of Lieut T K Walbridge[[?]] a on Indian duty for the Second Quarter 1854.

The accounts of Lieut Gibbon have been received by me, but I detain them until I can receive an explanation of one of his vouchers.
There is no communication from Ft Myers since my last report (July 26).

Most resplly yr ob set
JC Casey Capt in chg Ind. Affres.

^[[The following letter has been marked out completely]]

Tampa Bay Fla Aug 13. 1854

Dr Sir, I am very sorry to inform you that I have, from the inminatlity or folly of a corporal of the guard at [[underlined]] Ft. Myers [[/underlined]], lost  lost nearly all chance of recovering your man [[underlined]] Titus [[/underlined]] - who would otherwise have been here by this time.

The Corporal [[underlined]] took the [[?]] off [[/underlined]] the [[underlined]] hostages[[/underlined]], that I had as a pledge for the Delivery of your man [[underlined]] after dark [[/underlined]] when of course they both escaped - and thus deprived me of the only means of compelling the delivery of [[underlined]] Titus [[/underlined]].  The chief [[underlined]] may [[/underlined]] yet bring him in, but I do not expect it.  [[underlined]] Titus [[/underlined]] knows that Jerry was given up & that they had been looking for him & he declare he will never be taken alive 
^[[end of marked out letter]]

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Tampa Bay July 30 1854
Hon Jeffery Davis
Secty of War, Sir
On July 26 I accepted the [[?]], by the Indians of one of the fugitive slaves, heretofore harbored by them, and that the other should be [[?]] in as soon as possible.
I now have to report that the hostages, whose [[?]] had caused this prompt action by the Indians, [[?]] by the grossest criminality or [[?]] allowed to escaped from the guard at Ft Myers on the evening if the 7th [[?]]
There has been last [[?}] only all central of the Indians in the matter of the fugutives, but also a [[?]] opportunity for restoring much of their [[?]] in me.
Many of them believe that a few [[?]] the fugitives [[?]] should have left the hostages and that [[?]] can not [[?]]. I have but [[?]] hope of the [[?]] of the remaining fugitive.
Most respectfully
Your [[?]] 
John C Casey
Tampa Florida Area Aug 13 1854
On the 26 July I informed you that yr [[?]] Jerry was safely lodged in jail here subject to your [[?]] also that I expected [[?]] to [[?]] [[?]] from the Indians.
   I am now sorry to say that nearly all chance of getting [[underline]] Titus[[/underline]] has been lost, as the guart at [[underline]] Fort llred[[?]] [[/underlined ]] allowed the [[underline]] hostages[[/underline-- to escape before [[underline]] Titus [[/underline]] was brought in.
        very rechlls[[?]]
         Yr. obedient
         Capt. refa

Jar. a Scarlomet}
Concord Leo