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Tampa Bay Florida
August 18th 1854

Col. T. Cooper
A of [[?]], 

I have the honor to acknowledge your letter of the 9th enclosing an order for Lt Gibbon to repair to [[Chest ?]] Point for duty.

He will be immediately relieved from his present duties, and I expect him here [[underlined]] en route[[/underlined]] by first conveyance, or, about the 25th. inst.

I require no other assistance, for the present, than Lieut Walbridge can afford

Mos resplly
Yr obedt Set
[[signed]] J.C. Casey [[/signed]] Capt

Tampa Bay Aug 27/54                  
The Newport Schooner has just arrived from Fort Meyers, and I am glad to be able to report that, notwithstanding the escape of the hostages. the Indians have surrendered, the remaining fugitive and he is now here

    I have not time to report any further, as the mail is being -

Most repectfully
Your obdt. Servt.
(Signed)[[signed]]John C. Casey[[/signed]]
Capt. U.S.A.

Hon. Jeffn. Davis
     Secty. of War.

Tampa Florida August 30/54

Jas A. Scarborough
Concord Geo-  Sir,

The Indians bro't in your man [[underline]] Titus [[/underline]] to Fort Myers on the 11th and on the 28th. inst. I delivered him to the Sheriff of this County for safe keeping, and he is now in the jail in this place with [[underline] Jerry [[/underline]]

I was astonished, as much as gratified, that the Indians should have brought him in- [[underline]] after [[/underline]] the escape of the hostages.

Both yr. men are now in the hands of the Sheriff here, subject to yr orders

Very Repectfully,
[[signed[]] J C Casey [[/signed]] Capt USA

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Tampa Florida  Aug 30/54

Hon. Jeff Davis
Secty War   Sir.

I have the honor to transmit herewith the accounts of Lt. J. Gibbon 4 Arty. for disbursements in Ind Dept in Fla, and closing his accounts--he having been relieved from this Duty.

He will leave for the north tomorrow morning and I have requested him to call on you for the purpose of giving any details you may require of affairs here.

Most repectfully
Yr obse[[signed]] JC Casey [[/signed]]                               Capt. USA

Tampa Bay Florida
September 10, 1854


In my report of May 3, 1854, I deemed it my duty to recommend "that a company of troops be stationed near [[underline]] Key Biscayne Bay [[/underline]] to keep the Indians from the [[underline]] "Koontee [[/underline]] grounds" which are without their limits, but to which they annually resort for their supply of arrow-root.  Such a force is also required there to prevent contraband trade" -

I beg leave again to invite your attention to this matter, as the season is approaching when a  vigilant military police, excluding the Indians from that region, will most seriously embarrass them.  Besides I have again reason to apprehend that attempts are being made to supply the Indians with goods near [[underline]] Key Biscayne Bay. [[/underline]]

An attempt has been made by Surveyor [[underlined]] Jackson [[/underlined]], a man of much energy, to survey the country, as far as the new Boundary, but the overflowing streams and the depth of water on the prairies render it impracticable.  At this season of the year the southern part of this peninsulas consists chiefly of submerged prairies, lakes and wet hammocks & swamps divided by pine barren.

The survey will be made as soon as it becomes possible with ordinary means.

I would also again submit for your consideration the propriety and policy of cutting one or more military roads