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Caloosa river to the landing on the eastern border of the Everglades.

Troops will be posted at the Miami river, on the Atlantic side and canoes will enable them to cross the Everglades to the Landing on their side & thence [[underlined]] via [[/underlined]] the new road to Ft Myers.

The command on Okee Chobee will be supplied with boats so as to command that Lake.

I hope these operations can be carried on without provoking hostilities but they are to go on any how. Meantime I desire [[underlined]] gradually [[/underlined]] to inform and caution the Indians.  They need not be alarmed, only regular troops are employed who will not molest them if they keep quite.

These roads and avenues are considered a necessary and the  Presdt. has a right to make roads & build forts wherever he pleases in all Indian countries.  He wishes to consult the comfort of the Red people in doing so & will, as far as he can, oblige them, but the right he never relinquishes.  The order for the work came from Washington and advise and request my red friends not to be frightened or uneasy.

[[underlined]] At present [[/underlined]], it will suffice to tell them that we are to make roadss from Ft Meade to Caloosa Hatchee & to Okee Chobee.  [[underlined]] Lastly [[/underlined]] tell them that we  must have troops on Okee Chobee with boats.[[underlined]] Lastly [[/underlined]] when the road is commenced S. of Caloosa Hatchee to the Landing on the Eaverglades -tell them that we require a direct means of communications with the troops near [[underlined]] Miami [[/underlined]] across the Everglades.  This communication to the Indians will perhaps not be proper until towards spring - after the 3 companies are in position pm Okee Chobee & all is ready for the road to the everglades.

I antiapate some hard talking from them and perhaps some threats; but no matter, the risk shall be run so far as my vote goes always - and the Orderrs go now

ˣ ˣ ˣ ˣ ˣ ˣ ˣ[[initials]] J.C.C. [[/initials]]


Tampa Bay Fla Oct 24. 1854

Hon R. McClelland
Secretary Interior Wash D.C.

Sir, I have the honor to acknowledge your letter of the 6th. inst. inquiring about a sister of william Genna Factor son of Rose Factor deceased. I regret that I can give no satisfactory information on the subject  Many years ago - 1836-7 - I endeavored to trace her

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for the purpose of reclaiming her, if possible, but being unable to attend to the matter personally this attempt, by correspondence, failed.

The circumstances were best known to the late Agents of the Apalachicola Indians, and probably to there old interperators (Stephen?) Richard√, and Archy Smith of Quincy Fla. The address of Richards is, I presume, in the Indian Bureau.  I believe the warrior was held (illegally) by a Col. Brown but at this date it would be difficult to find & recover her

Mp respectfully & 
[[signed]] J C Casey [[/signed]] Capt USA

Tampa Bay Oct 25. 1856

Hon Jeffn: Davis
Sectry War  Sir,  I have the honor to transmit herewith the [[?]] of Lt J. K. Walbridge as ASC of "appropriation for removing Fla Indians" for 3rd 1854

I have to ask yr. sanction of voucher No 2 Abst Cntp herewith - being for the purchase of a water tank for my quarters.  There is no good water in the neighborhood - none that I can drink with impunity

Resptly [[initials]] [[underlined]]J C.C. [[/underlined]][[/initials]] Capt.

Tampa Bay La Oct 25 1854

Col. J. Munroe

Comdg Hd Qr, As the troops are about moving near and in, the Indian Country, I respectfully submit, a description of the Boundary, as sanctioned by the War Department, for the information of all concerned and particularly the troops of yr. command.

[[underlined]] Temporary Boundary [[/underlined]] From x x x x x x x x x x x  x x x x x x x x x x x x x 
Within these limits the Indians are not to be questioned or molested. The Northern border of the Big Prairie not having been marked on the ground, some little latitude may there be allowed, but any Indians beyond these limits withint a pass are there against the Law and it is very deserable that they should be averted when practicable & sent to Ft Myers.

I would also request that, for the present, any small party under[[underlined]] Bowlegs [[/underlined]] or [[underlined]] Assunwah [[/underlined]] or other known

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Transcription Notes:
several words written are mis-spelled, transcribed as written