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Tampa Bay Florida
Febry 28 1855

His Excelency 
Jas E. Brown
Govr of Fla. Sir,

When I last had the honor of reporting to you [Sept 13 1855] the Indians were more peaceable and had brought in Mr. Scarborough's runaway negroes, and communications were reestablished with their chief.

In October last the Chief ventured in to Ft Myers, to visit the Agency, for the first time since 1852.

They continue peaceable, and have, I believe, as far as possible restrained their people within the temporary boundary.

About the middle of Jany, recruits arrived at Fort Myers, and all the [[9]] companies on the peninsula are now filled up to the maximum strength thus giving a force of about 500 on this side and 250 on the Altantic side of South Florida.

The troops on this side are already in the Big Cypress and on the western border of the Everglades and opening roads thro' the Cypress.

On the 24th. inst: Col. Munroe returned to this place from Key Biscayne Bay having furnished the troops at Miami river with canoes for navigating the Everglades, and made arrangements for operations in and through that watery district. The faithful guide & friendly Indian [[underlined]] Chi [[/underlined]] accompanies that command as pilot

Col Munroe also made arrangements for a line of communications across from [[?]] r. on the Atlantic to Caloosa Hatcee on the Gulf side [[underlined]] via [[/underlined]] Okee Chobee
These movements have, of course distrubed and alarmed the Indians - as was intended - but they assure me that [[underlined]] they [[/underlined]] will not begin hostilities

As yet the troops are ordered not to molest the Indians or their property

I have no reason to apprehend that any one has of late attemped to violate the Law forbidding [[insert]] trade [[/insert]] with the Indians, and they can have but a scanty supply of ammunition left.

The survey of the public lands has now been extended as far south, I believe, as the appropriation for public surveys will at present permit. The townships are

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marked as far as the northern edge of the Big Prairie on this side of the Caloosa Hatchee, and there are probably but few townships south of that line and this side the Kissimmee waters, & west of the Everglades, north the cost of [[?]].

Yr. Excellency will then see that the measures indicated in my letter of May 3 1854 (no trade and "a more rigid military police near & within their comity") are now in operation; and, I may add, that they could not have been effected at an earlier date as the Act "to encourage enlistments", and [[strikethrough]] before [[/strikethrough]] ^[[insert]]prior [[/insert]] to which act recruits [[?]] not be fit, only became a law on August 6. 1854

There are less than 100 warriors remaining in South Florida - the exact number, I have reason to believe - is 98 - including old men & well grown boys

Yr obedt servt
[[signed]] John C. Casey [[signed]]
Capt: u.s.a.


Tampa Bay Fla April 18. 1855

Hon Jeffn Davis
Secretary of War,


I have the honor to transmit herewith the account of Lieut. J. K Walbridge, on Ind duty, for the [[?]] present year 1855

Most respectfully
[[signed]] J.C. Casey [[/signed]] Capt. U.S.A.


Tampa Fla April 18. 1855

Hon Jeff. Davis

Sir - I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a communication from the Genr Ind Affairs [March 14. 1855] Dept. of the Interior [March 6. 1855] and referred to me for a report by the War Dept [March 16. 1855] and referred to me for a service rendered by [[underlined]] Wadle Emathler [[/underlined]]& [[underlined]] Hoethlessaga [[/underlined]] Seminoles under Gen Worth in 1841-2

I was not in Florida at the time in question & have no [[?]] knowledge of the circumstances.

Mr. Kennedy who was confidental clerk at Hd Qr of Gen Worth is now a resident of Tampa. He recollects the case

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Transcription Notes:
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