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I hope the troops will occupy the attention of the Indians near their homes, so as to leave them but few warriors to spare for depredations on our frontier, but in the mean time, and with the sanction of Col. Munroe (Comd US troops in Fla) I would respectfully suggest the propriety of promptly placing say two companies of volunteer in position on [[underlined]] Pea River [[/underlined]], to give confidence and protection to the extreme frontier settlers.

With great respt
Yr Obst
[[signed]] J C Casey [[/signed]] Capt

Tampa Bay Fla
December 23. 1855

Hon Jeffer Davis
Secty War   Sir,

I regret to have to report that as soon the troops resumed the operations of last [[strikethrough]] winter [[/strikethrough]] [[insert]] season [[/insert]] exploring & opening the Big Cypress, the Seminoles commenced hostilities. A small advanced & mounted party, under Lieut Hartsuff was attacked at daybreak on the 20th in the Big Cypress. Of the party of ten, up to the mornig of the 22nd, 3 had got in (more or less srounded), 1 had given out on the road, within 18 miles of Fort Myers, & Lt. Hartsuff and 5 men were still unaccounted for –, killed or missing.

Col. Munroe has despatched expresses along the frontier to put the settlers on their guard.

Strong parties have taken the field from Fts. Myers and Deyn, and I hope their operations will occupy the Indians so as to prevent them from sending many warriors to our settlements.

I have reported the case to the Gov. of Florida, and transmit herewith a copy of my letter to him, of this date.

His attempt to remove these Indians peaceably has failed. Very liberal offers to induce them to emigrate have long been held out to them-, fully secured & commended to their confidence-, in vain; and to these motives, has been added for the last two years, a system of restraint                                                                           vcccc  calculated to increase their discomforts so long as they might refuse to go. Their decision, now made known, under such circumstances, leaves no doubt that they can only be removed by force.
Rpts {{signed]] JC Casey[[signed]] Capt

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Tampa Bay December 30. 1855

J.W. Washbourne EsqDrSir,

On 13 May last I wrote to you in relation to [[underlined]] Ben Bruner [[/underlined]] creek negro - interpreter xxx xxxx engage him to come here as soon as possible xxx His expenses coming & returning will be paid, and a liberal allowance paid him for his time & service

Please to make the best arrangements you can with him for the public interests - not exceeding say $30 to $35 a mo. when in garrison or at the agency and $50 to $60 p m when with the troops in the field and one ration in kind while in Fla. He can be shipped to the Qr Mr in Norleans who will forward him safely to Tampa

You may assure him that he will be kindly treated and never required to expose himself as a scout or messenger, as we only want his service as interpreter
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 
J C Casey
I will remit any expenses returned by you or agenies this business C.

Seminole Agent West}
Ft Smith Arkansas  }

Tampa Bay
December 30 1855

Hon J Davis}
Wash D.C.  }    Dear Sir,

You have, no doubt, received all the details relating to the recent act of hostility by the Seminoles, from official sources.

No Indians had visited Fort Myers since the first week in September.  Lt. Hartsuff, on his late march, and before the attack of Decr 20th., saw but two or three Indian boys or young men, who were driving hogs, and these men were surly and uncommunicative. He then found the blackhouses near, and in, the Big Cypress burned, and the attack appears to have been mad by 25 or 30 warriors.

All these circumstances show a deliberate action of the tribe.  In a little time they would have been without ammunition and almost without a hiding place, and it is now evident that they are determined to resist further exploration

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Transcription Notes:
Deyn is Ft Denaud in Henry Co. Fla