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I am happy to report that this frontier presents a very different aspect from what it did after the murders in 1849, and I believe that the settlers will now maintain their ground.

With great respect
[[signature]]John C. Casey [[signature]] Capt USA

Tampa Bay Fla
January 2 1856

Hon. Jeffn. Davis
Sec War    Sir,

I have the honor to report that up to this date no intelligence of any Indian depredations among the settlers has been received.

Reports from Ft Meyers up to Dec. 31. have been received. Lieut Hartsuff and one private were found alive, and the remaining 4 men heretofore "missing" were found "dead."  Lieut. H the only one very dangerously wounded was doing well, and strong hopes were entertained of his recovery.  The attack was made by about 30 warriors under [[underline]] Bowlegs [[/underline]] the chief.

The settlement occupied by the Indians last year has been long abandoned, and the blackhouse left by our troops has been burned.

Mo resplly
[[signature]] JCCasey [[/signature]] Capt                 
Tampa Bay Fla January 13. 1856


Hon Jeffn Davis

DrSir,  Col Munroe left on the 7th for Fort Myers, and is daily expected here on his return

No intelligence of any depredations on the frontier has yet been received; nor is there evidence of any very recent "Indian signs" near the settlements or outside the Boundary.

I have recd: your letter of the 3d. inst: and it is proper now [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] for me to state, that since my arrival in 1853 as Agent, Col. Munroe and myself have acted in perfect accord; and I have taken no step without his cordial concurrence. Nor has there been any clashing of Duties between myself & my assistant with any commanding officer in the field.

I desire to do any Duty in my power to aid [[strikethrough]]the[[/strikethrough]] whoever may he be in command [[strikethrough]] here [[/strikethrough]] as far as my strength will permit.

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My health will not allow me to live - much less pretend to go on duty - out of Florida, and I am often confined to my room and occasionally to my bed, here.  But I have my mental faculties and wish to continue in such a position as will render available to the public service my knowledge of Ind. affairs in Fla. by aiding in getting information or guide from prisoners or in securing any party of Indians that may at any time prefer emigration to hostilities.  It will also be necessary to take charge of captured Indians while here, and provide for their emigration to Arkansas etc etc

Of course, I would desire no authority to make any arrangements independent of the commanding officer, who must have sole control of every dept. in the field or during war.

Excuse this personal matter, which may possibly relieve you from some trouble & believe me

with great regard & respect
Very truly yours    
[[underline]][[Signature]] JCCasey [[/signature]] [/underline]]      

Tampa Bay Florida              February 20, 1856

Hon. Jeffn. Davis
Secty. of War,

I desire in this communication, to submit to the Department some measures for shortening the duration of the Indian war, or rather the Indian hunt, in which we are now engaged.

After rejecting the most generous offers to join their nation at the West, these Indians not only deny our claim to the country which was temporarily assigned to them in 1842, but deny our right to march U.S. troops through that country, a right exercised by the Govt. in all Indian territories, as has been fully explained to them.

The denial was made in their council more than 3 years ago, and has been carried into execution by the attack a Lieut Hartsuff party on 20th. Decr. last, and has been followed up by other outrages since, one being the murder of unarmed citizens peaceably occupied at their home on Miami river [outside the Indian line] on 8th January.

Past experience gives little reason to hope for an early termination of this business

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